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Welcome to the Portal. On this page you will find links to many different areas of the site.

File Archives
Frequently Asked Questions
Content Pages

This is the forum section of our site. It is very active and it is here where you can ask for help if your question is not addressed in the FAQ, or even if you would just like to discuss things.
Submit Files
This is where you can submit your very own files to this site. We would always like to increase the size of our archive, but at the same time we try to keep the quality quite high. Be sure your files are as bug-free as possible before submitting them, and be sure to include a readme file to help users better understand how your file works.
Contact Us
This page lists the administrators and content managers at and how you can contact them.
External Links
This page has links to other TI-Calculator-related sites. Here you may find sites that will give you better help for some specific topics.
File Search
This is the file search section of the site. It is very simple, but may be useful with our ever-increasing archive.
File Archives

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of FAQs that we host. If you have a problem that is not addressed, feel free to contact us, and we'll do our best to answer your question.

Category# entries - Website Specific4
General Calculator Related Issues4
IRC and #calcgames6
TI-83+/SE and TI-84+/SE15
TI-85 and TI-862
TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92+ and Voyage 2004

Content Pages

Below is a list of content sections that we host. This is where you will find tutorials, features, site statistics, and random site information.

Category# entries
Site Pages3

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