Author | Comment |
zarg Dragoon
Posted: 16 Nov 2007 15:24 GMT Total Posts: 67 | Hi. Im a newbie at programing my Ti-84 plus silver edition. I have been programing for a while though. I can program html, basic, pascale, C++, and java. Can you help me find some good places to get started and make some programs. I would like to make some programs that will help me in classes as well as a game or two. Thanks!
--- In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? (By, Hasse Skrifvars |
Hydraliskisback Wraith
Posted: 16 Nov 2007 16:46 GMT Total Posts: 583 | ok you know C++? im trying to do the reverse XD. BASIC is a lot like C++ but a lot simpler. what you do is this. you find the commands by pressing the various math buttons on your calculator but you can find ALL of the commands in the catalog by pressing this [2nd] then [0] then using those commands (think C++ when your trying to find commands, and if you want to know what it does, make a seperate program, name it something simple like "A" and then toy around with that command) how do you make a program? press the button [prgm] around the center of the calculator and then you will see the program menu, which lists like this EXEC / EDIT / NEW self explanitory, you'll see. if you need any specific examples or tutoring, id be glad to help.
--- Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid. |
Zachary940 Wraith
Posted: 16 Nov 2007 16:49 GMT Total Posts: 714 | The best way to learn is to look at other peoples programs and play around. In the back of your manual look up all the different commands. That should help. Also since you seem to be an experienced programmer I would look in to ASM.
Welcome aboard our crew, and I like your avatar.
--- It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem. |
zarg Dragoon
Posted: 16 Nov 2007 17:14 GMT Total Posts: 67 | Thanks. I managed to get a programe and put some comand lines together. I remember reading something about the fact that your caculator comes with basic preloades?? How do I get the ANS that you were talking about. I also was trying to find a way to make a program that works on finding the Greatest Common Factor(or do you think that would be too hard to start with). Anyway can you help me get the ANS downloaded. Thanks!
--- In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? (By, Hasse Skrifvars |
Zachary940 Wraith
Posted: 16 Nov 2007 18:09 GMT Total Posts: 714 | BASIC is the programming language that your calculator has. Just press the (prgm) button and select the new option. Start pushing buttons and learn the different menus. If you want to know what a command does look it up in your manual. I'm guessing the ANS you where referring to was the ASM or assembly. ASM is the absolute most basic language that you can use to program your calculator. You can not program in ASM on your calc, instead you build it and compile it on your computer. Then transfer it to you calc.
--- It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem. |
Hydraliskisback Wraith
Posted: 16 Nov 2007 18:19 GMT Total Posts: 583 | alright heres what you do {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}-> (list ([2nd][STAT][8]))A {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}-> (list)B :clrhome (clears the homescreen) :prompt A (displays A=?, asking you to type a number and hit ender, storing into A. in the catalog, it will be prompt, and then you add the variable in question) :0->T (T will serve as our timer variable, you will see later) :for(X,1,A (for loops serve the purpose of storing a variable in question, in this example X, with a starting number, 1, and adds an incriment (after the A, since we didn't specify one, its automatically 1) until it gets to the ending number, in this case the variable A, watever you stored it as at the beginning of your program) :A/X->B (stores the variable B with A/X) :if B != round(B) (if B is not a whole number...) :end (end this for loop, incrimenting it by one to test the next X) :T+1->T (timer add by one...) :B->(list)A(T) (store B, because it IS a whole number into the list A, at the directive T, as in this case if it was the first time, it would store B as the first number. then the next whole B as the second number, etc.) :end (end of the for loop) :prompt B (this is all a repeat of the above, but with different variables) :0->T :for(X,1,B :B/X->A :if A != round(A) :end :T+1->T :A->(list)B(T) :T->Q (storing the maximum T number, used later) :end :0->T (start the timer over again) :Lbl A (labels are... labels that the program will go to when you tell it to) :T+1->T (add to the timer...) :if (list)A(T)=0 (if the digit in number T in the list is zero, thats all that was stored... ) :goto Z (go to the end of the program (label Z)) :for(X,1,Q (using that max T we stored earlier) :if (list)A(T)=(list)B(X) (if there is a common multiple) :X->Z :end :goto A (go to label A, above. Altogether all of this will scan each number to each number, testing every single multiple, eventually getting to the highest multiple, the call to it being stored in Z up there with X->Z) :LblZ :disp "Greatest Common Factor is..." :disp (list)B(Z) (telling you the greatest common multiple from the call we stored)
there ya have it. you might need to store more zeroes in those lists above, because the higher the nuber the more multiples, potentially, so you might need more space for them so it wont cause any error in the program.
--- Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid. |
Vectris Ultralisk
Posted: 16 Nov 2007 19:04 GMT Total Posts: 375 | or you could make a program like...
:Input "Number 1:",X :Input "Number 2:",Y :Disp "The GCM is :Disp gcd(X,Y
and accomplish the same thing
im guessing u were joking hydraliskisback, but did u actually make that? I didn't take the time to look through the whole thing but would that actually work? |
gulyman Goliath
Posted: 16 Nov 2007 22:10 GMT Total Posts: 144 | I think zarg was looking for an exercise in programming and not a 4 line program. A GCF program is a good place to start for an experianced programmer. I started with a Hello World program. |
zarg Dragoon
Posted: 17 Nov 2007 05:03 GMT Total Posts: 67 | Thanks. So do you think that I should go on with mastering basic or try to learn the ASM? I'm not sure which would be better. I here ASM is better than basic but it is harder to do.
--- In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? (By, Hasse Skrifvars |
Vectris Ultralisk
Posted: 17 Nov 2007 07:20 GMT Total Posts: 375 | yes u defenitely need to go on with basic, ASM is really hard and complex so it will help a lot to learn basic first, then tackle ASM
gulyman ur right that GCF is good for experienced programmers so zarg (being new) probably shouldn't try to make one. Plus its never as satsifying to make a program when the calc already has the function, its fun to make a prog. that does something the calc cant |
Hydraliskisback Wraith
Posted: 17 Nov 2007 07:57 GMT Total Posts: 583 | that would actually work. i did that in my head. and what!?!!?!??!?!?!? theres a gcm( call? sigh. XD i wish i knew all of the calls. some of them would come in handy.
and ASM is hard. theres like, idk 50 calls, but so many syntaxes to use to get them to do things it made my head exploded. i mean seriously. get some ASM source code and it will feel like your reading a spanish erotic novel but you only know german.
--- Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid. |
zarg Dragoon
Posted: 17 Nov 2007 13:12 GMT Total Posts: 67 | Great. Thanks. I also was wondering what flash was. Can you help me out there. Thanks.
Can you also point me in the direction on a way to program on the computer. To me that is easier that on the caculator.
--- In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? (By, Hasse Skrifvars |
Xphoenix Ultralisk
Posted: 17 Nov 2007 13:49 GMT Total Posts: 210 | TI-Graphlink 83+ is the most common application for programming for the 83+/84+ on the computer.
--- ~Xphoenix |
zarg Dragoon
Posted: 17 Nov 2007 14:14 GMT Total Posts: 67 | Thanks the program is great for programing on the computer. I can program in it but when I try to send it to the calculator I cannot connect to it. Please help me I am confused.
Also what is the flash programer?
--- In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? (By, Hasse Skrifvars |
Hydraliskisback Wraith
Posted: 17 Nov 2007 18:13 GMT Total Posts: 583 | flash? thats more application-type stuff. i dont really know how that works, though.
--- Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid. |
zarg Dragoon
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 04:09 GMT Total Posts: 67 | Ok. I was playing around some on my calc and I discoverd matrixes. I have a mapmaking prgm. on my calc. How can I turn the matrix I have into images? (Is this too hard for me to deal with right now?)
--- In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? (By, Hasse Skrifvars |
Hydraliskisback Wraith
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 08:11 GMT Total Posts: 583 | get xlib and read the instructions and install it on your calc quite useful.
--- Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid. |
zarg Dragoon
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 11:27 GMT Total Posts: 67 | Thanks for the link to xlib. I am just wondering, is xlib anything like codex? Anyway, Will xlib help me when i write in basic. Do I put the xlib comandline into my basic programe or do I run it on the homescreen when I am fineshed with the program.
--- In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? (By, Hasse Skrifvars |
Hydraliskisback Wraith
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 13:34 GMT Total Posts: 583 | put it in the code. read the instructions and it will tell you what to put in the code and how to use it.
--- Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid. |
zarg Dragoon
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 14:42 GMT Total Posts: 67 | I looked in the readme file and i filled out some information to make a image matrix. I typed: real(2,2,8,16,0,5,0,5,3,1,1,1)
I typed that for a 5x5 matrix but when I run the program it doesn't show. Can you help me. Thanks.
--- In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? (By, Hasse Skrifvars |
Xphoenix Ultralisk
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 17:05 GMT Total Posts: 210 | Regarding Graphlink, that's a program made for the 83+. It uses COM ports to transfer, while you are probably using a USB port for your calculator. Save the program and send it like anything else to your calculator using TI-Connect.
--- ~Xphoenix |
Hydraliskisback Wraith
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 17:23 GMT Total Posts: 583 | so you stored it in matrice [C]? oh its because you set the x and y offset to display no man's land. heres how x and y offset work in a map. say you have a map thats bigger than the scree itself, and you wanna display more to the right, x offset is one, moving the screen to the right seeing more of the map. in a 5x5 matrix, you dont need x or y offsets. those should be zero fix that and tell me what happens.
--- Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid. |
zarg Dragoon
Posted: 18 Nov 2007 17:59 GMT Total Posts: 67 | Thank you for helping me with the graphlink. I was using a usb port not a com port. Also for my matrix i was not usesing matrix C but matrix B so I changed to code to: Was: real(2,2,8,16,0,5,0,5,3,1,1,1) Now: real(2,1,0,0,0,5,0,5,3,1,1,1) After I run it now i still don't get anything.
Edit: I found a new problem so I changed it to: real(2,1,0,0,5,5,0,5,0,5,1,1) After that it still did not work.
Edit: I changed it agin to: real(2,1,0,0,5,5,0,5,0,5,1,1,1,1) It came up with nothing. Can you please help me find which one of these that I need to use.
--- In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? (By, Hasse Skrifvars |
Hydraliskisback Wraith
Posted: 19 Nov 2007 07:22 GMT Total Posts: 583 | which picture have you stored your tiles into? and screen end x is always going to be 12 (its where on the screen are you displaying your map, from end to end is going to be 0 - 12 and y 0 - 8 tile size is going to be either 8 or 16, depending on how big you made your tiles. so instead of what you have, try this: real(2,1,0,0,5,5,0,12,0,8,1,0,8,1
--- Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid. |
zarg Dragoon
Posted: 19 Nov 2007 15:39 GMT Total Posts: 67 | Sorry, I was trying to take the image from the wrong number. I changed it to: real(2,1,0,0,5,5,0,12,0,8,3,0,8,1)
After this I got a error of "Invalid Dim" It also printed out some jiberish on my screen.
Edit: The pic number is: 3
--- In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable. Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished? (By, Hasse Skrifvars |