gulyman's Journal maze tutorial | 226704/hitDetection.html | 0 comments | 3 December 2009, 20:20 GMT |
Hamlet esay MK2 | Hamlet Was a Prince
Hamlet was a prince. He was a sad prince. He was a very sad prince. Hamlet was very sad because his father died. He was even sadder because his mother forgot his father so quickely. She forgot his so quickely that she was able to marry another man in 3 months. This man was a bad man. He was a very bad man. He was so bad, that he was the one that had killed Hamlets father. Because of this Hamlet was angry. He was very angery. He was so angry that he wanted revenge. Then a ghost appeared. He was a scary ghost. He was a very scary ghost. He was so scary that the palace guards were afraid of him. One of the people that saw the ghost was Hamlet. Hamlet wasn't sure if the ghost was a good ghost or a bad ghost. It doesn't matter though becausee Hamlet *spoiler* dies *spoiler* in the end. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque purus velit, sollicitudin sed, facilisis in, eleifend ac, lectus. Curabitur sit amet magna. Phasellus accumsan volutpat est. Mauris tortor magna, imperdiet a, porta sed, imperdiet et, dolor. Nam aliquam sollicitudin nisi. Sed id quam. Quisque sed odio. Sed justo. Nunc dapibus mauris auctor tortor. Praesent lacinia lacus in turpis luctus venenatis. Cras est. Vivamus ac quam sit amet magna sollicitudin ultrices. Praesent suscipit sem in nibh. Aliquam id lacus eu nulla sodales viverra. Aenean at diam. Maecenas vitae quam sed leo consequat sollicitudin. Donec mauris. Ut lorem erat, convallis at, faucibus non, ultrices ut, diam. Aenean eleifend. Nullam nec enim vitae erat congue varius. Vivamus placerat dapibus enim. Nulla facilisi. Mauris porttitor interdum risus. Etiam quis purus vel lacus ultricies elementum. Praesent mi tellus, tincidunt id, rutrum in, aliquet id, ligula. Praesent sed erat sed nisi egestas varius. Aliquam non felis at massa malesuada ullamcorper. Vivamus lacus orci, luctus eu, semper at, auctor et, risus. Praesent elit. Praesent at sapien. Vestibulum fermentum interdum velit. Mauris nunc enim, ultrices vel, vestibulum nec, mattis eget, nisi. Ut in orci non purus tempor feugiat. Vestibulum iaculis ultrices mauris. Donec vestibulum elit nec mi blandit condimentum. Quisque tincidunt. Cras sit amet magna. Integer tempor. Phasellus in massa eget lacus facilisis tincidunt. Mauris tempus sem sed metus. Etiam eu erat at ligula semper auctor. Nam sagittis eleifend elit. Suspendisse dui nunc, consectetur sit amet, porttitor sit amet, dignissim ut, tortor. Integer tortor dui, vulputate at, congue in, sodales at, felis. Pellentesque nec magna vitae lectus malesuada euismod. Cras aliquam eros a magna. Duis augue ipsum, scelerisque varius, tempus sit amet, dignissim quis, justo. Sed lacus turpis, auctor in, imperdiet eget, vulputate ut, orci. Duis condimentum, leo at posuere posuere, est orci consectetur leo, vel imperdiet nibh lorem a justo. Donec at velit. Donec felis metus, lacinia at, tempor non, hendrerit a, ligula. Vivamus pharetra, magna et blandit sodales, risus nisl tempus odio, non volutpat lorem orci nec eros. Aliquam vehicula varius massa. Nunc tincidunt. Morbi dignissim. Nam eu turpis. Pellentesque nisl est, faucibus in, congue eu, hendrerit ac, tellus. Aliquam purus. Donec venenatis ultricies orci. Praesent auctor lacinia augue. Vivamus gravida, metus vel aliquet tincidunt, massa sapien scelerisque tellus, quis dignissim erat libero ac tortor. In est dui, sagittis ultricies, tristique in, malesuada vel, ligula. Fusce adipiscing. Nulla auctor eleifend massa. Vestibulum ut quam et ante iaculis auctor. Fusce convallis tincidunt neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
I nailed it!!!!! David
| 0 comments | 26 April 2009, 23:05 GMT |
deleted | Did you know that when your data key is being stupid you can post your assignments here and get them at school later? | 0 comments | 1 December 2008, 14:02 GMT |
An Essay for school | The Emotional Side of Creativity
"In a moment someone will turn on the light" In this essay I hope to illuminate them meaning of creativity. Creativity is a response to emotion that is innate and unique to each person. In this essay The Courage to Create by Rollo May, Sonny's Blues by James Baldwin, The Yellow Wall-Paper by Charlotte Perkins, The Snows of Kilimanjaro by Ernest Hemingway and Amadeus, directed by Milos Forman will be consulted as sources.
Creativity is a response to emotion. Without it you can not partake in the creative process. "Sonny moved deep withing,exactly like someone in torment." "He has to fill it, this instrument,with the breath of life, his own." In these two sources it is evident that what makes sonny's music great is all the suffering that he has gone through, and the hurt that he still feels from it. This is mirrored when sonny says "it struck me how much suffering she must have had to go through to sing like that." Her experience gave her emotion, and from the emotion sprang the product of her creativity. Mozart used his emotion to create operas. This is most notable in what he created right after his fathers death. "So rose the dreadful ghost in his next and blackest opera." Right at the lowest most depressed time in his life he creates his most depressing work. Without emotion you can not relate to others and thus can not create something of value.
Innate is defined as "existing naturally rather than acquired; that seems to have been in one from birth" This is true for creativity. Some people seem to simply be born with their talent. Mozart was a shining example of this since his talent manifested so strongly. "Extraordinary! ... It seemed to me that I was hearing a voice of God." Mozart's innate talent for creativity exceeded his peers and he was rewarded for it. Another example of people who are innately talented are authors. Their talents are craved by others enough for them to make a living off it. "She liked what he wrote." This is the sentence that tells us why Helen married Harry. There are other reasons given, but it is the writing that was the root cause. In the end some people are just more gifted then others.
Everyone is creative in their own way. The most common areas are in these sources is the humanities. Mozart and Sonny were artists. The narrator from (i)The Yellow Wall Paper and Henry were writers. This isn't to say that they were the same in their creatively. Henry was a writer that wrote about his experiences in a factual way. "He had been it and watched it and it was his duty to write it." The protagonist writes in a fantasy style. "I would say a haunted house and reach the height of romantic felicity-but that would be asking to much of fate."There is not a bit of fact in there, which is very unlike Harry's style. Mozart and Sonny get there music from very different places to. If we are to believe Salieri, Mozart's music springs straight from God. The music is already formed and Mozart writes it down. "He'd simply put down music already finished in his head." Sonny on the other hand gets his music from his suffering. He plays his pain and it reflects. "I heard [in his music] what he had gone through." Everyone has their own way of expressing creativity, whether it's inventing gadgets or writing music. They just have to find it.
In the end creativity is a responce to emotion. Everyone expresses this responce differently and some are better at it then others.
| 0 comments | 15 January 2008, 14:55 GMT |
Hamlet essay | Inevitable loss of innocence in Hamlet
Innocence is defined as the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil. In Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet none of the major character have their innocence by the end of the play. First Hamlet loses his when he kills Poloniuos. The queen then loses hers when Hamlet tells her about the murder of the king. Lastly Ophelia and Leartes lose theirs when they hear of their fathers death. This loss in unavoidable and happens to every person. It is a part of growing up in the world we live in.
At the start of the play Hamlet is innocent and had a strong sense of morality. This is shown in his initial disbelief of his fathers ghost. Even though he thought Claudious vile, he did not want to kill him if he was innocent. If Hamlet had been immoral he would have seized upon the chance to kill Claudious. Over the course of the play his innocence degrades as he is exposed to more vileness. The turning point is when he kills Polonious. At this point he is innocent no more. It's his first act of violence and it prepares him for his two final acts of aggression. First sending Rosencrantz and Gildenstern to their death, and secondly his killing of Claudious. These acts do not mean that he has lost his honor though. You can retain your honor even after you have shed your innocence. They were fair turnabouts for what was done to him. Hamlet dies a man of honor and will be remembered for that.
There is some evidence to think that Gertrude knew that Claudious was planning his brothers death. This however can be discounted because it doesn't agree with her actions latter on. When Hamlet asks her about the killing of her husband she is surprised. “As kill a king?”(3,iv). She then pleads with Hamlet to stop talking about her marrying the monster that killed her husband. “O Hamlet, speak no more.\ Thou turn'st mine eyes into my very soul.”(3,iv). If she had been guilty of a conspiracy with Claudious, she would have been faced with these thoughts on a daily basis and would have by then been jaded towards them. Her lose of innocence happened when she realized that the man she had loved passionately, at least in bed, was a snake. In the end she dies by poison. Their is argument as to whether she knew that it was poison, but she most certainly did. When her husband tells her not to drink the cup she responds, “I will, my lord. I pray you, pardon me.” (5,ii). Most people would have wanted to know why they shouldn't have drank. Even if it hadn't been poison in it, that phrase is insulting and would have been the start of the end of their relationship.
Yet the most tragic loss of innocence is Ophelia's. She is the classic image of innocence having only a love for Hamlet at the start. This is taken from her ironically when the man she loves kills her father. Polonious had always, in his own way, protected his daughters innocence and she loved him for that. The loss of him drove her insane which lead to her subsequent death. Even if Polonious hadn't been killed she could not have kept a hold of her innocence forever. She would have eventualy been drawn into a plot , of which the court of Denmark was abundant. Ophelia's foil in this situation is Laertes. Her withdrawal into a world of fantasy is juxtaposed against his need for action in the real world. Before Polonioius was killed, Laertes was an easy going guy. He was having fun in Paris, not caring what was going on back at home. After his fathers death though he realized how cruel the world can be. Again, if Polonious hadn't been killed, how long would it have been before Leartes was drawn into intrigue as well. Someone would have used him to get to his father and then to the king.
Hamlet is in the end about the unfortunate loss of innocence. This loss is unavoidable and happens when people are confronted with the evil of this world. It is final and irreversible and it is always a sad day for the person who suffers it. It is a requirement though for growing up. With out it you can not fully prepare for ever | 1 comment | 12 October 2007, 19:34 GMT |
Planning Document | LA30-1 Research Project Initial Planning Document Name David Describe the purpose of inquiry or research To get me ready for the 2009 regional skills competition in the IT Network Support category.
Scope means the range of the area covered by an activity, subject, or topic. What is not included in this research? Describe the scope of the inquiry or research topic I will be researching all items listed on the scope for the skills competition. They are: *Understand IPv4 LAN concepts
*Troubleshoot a LAN connectivity problem on paper
*Install, remove and replace PC hardware components
*Configure incoming NAT on a m0n0wall router
*Install and configure debian-based gnu/linux desktop operating systems
*Install and configure Windows-based server operating systems
*Install and configure client and server applications and services
*Connect client and server computers to a network
*Connect client computer to the internet
*Make services on server safely available to outside networks
Identify the target audience Everyone in the class and Mr.Phillips.
Identify the potential form for the presentation of inquiry or research findings, when applicable [such as a narrative, report, diary entry or biography I'll make a power point with info on it and probably bring in a computer to take apart and re-assemble.
Select from a repertoire of effective strategies to develop appropriate inquiry or research plans that will address the topic and satisfy contextual and presentation requirements [for example, questions within questions, inquiry charts, preliminary interviews, and consultations with the teacher and/or librarian] I will search forums, the W3 schools knowledge base, and look for rando guides through Google. If time allows I will interview Mrs.Pollock.
Page two Select and describe strategies for developing an inquiry or research plan that will foster understanding [for example, use a research journal to keep and record reflections on the research process, clarify thinking, revisit initial perceptions and ask questions that lead to new research] I will take my research home and test it out there on the my network. Every day I'll make a new list of things that I'll need to know and research those on that day.
Assess the breadth and depth of prior knowledge
What? Ipv4 in an internet protocal A LAN in a local area network On all the other points, I know to much to list here.
Where? Any place that there is a network ex.schools, office buildings, research labs
Why? To coordinate data and share findings. So that you can have a computer work.
Who? Sysadmins, linux gurus, hackers, developers
How? You plug everything together and runs networking tools. A more complex description would be to long to list here.
Refine questions to further satisfy information needs and to guide the collection of new information 1. What is NAT traffic?
2.How is debian different from Ubuntu?
3.How do you configure servers?
4. What exactly in Ipv4?
| 0 comments | 15 September 2007, 20:10 GMT |
secondary | ELA30-1 Research Project Secondary Planning Document Name: David
Briefly describe what you accomplished in your first research period. If convenient, attach description to back of document. I researched Ipv4 and read some of the Ipv4 protocol (actually pretty interesting). I summarized what I intended to use for my presentation in a single document.
What do you plan on accomplishing during the second research period? I plan to research the m0n0wall router system and become familiar with it's interfaces.
List four questions that you want to answer in your second research period. *What is the m0n0wall router system? *What syntax does it use? *Is it a Graphic User Interface or command line application *How vulnerable is it to attacks?
What research strategies worked well? Googleing “Ipv4” worked really well since it brought up the protocol, and yes wikipedia was a good source on routing and such. I already had a semi-idea about it and it sounded true.
What research strategies didn't work well? Nothing wasted to much time or was anti-intuitive, so I don't think any bad strategies were employed.
How do you plan to do research during the next period? I'll find the m0n0wall website and skim the FAQ/user manual. I'll also Google “m0n0wall vulnerabilities” to find any documented exploits.
What stage are you at in making your presentation? (eg. Gathering data, Creating the presentation, editing the presentation) Is this where you planned to be? I'm still gathering data. I did plan to be at this stage.
| 1 comment | 18 April 2007, 14:10 GMT |
| gulyman | |
Biography | Gender: Male Born: 4-December-1990
About gulyman: I got a TI-83 Plus on Febuary 2007 for a math course. Started learning how to program in TI-Basic right away. Right now I have a fair, but not deep knowledge of the language. I've also studied some html, C++, and the basics of BASH files. Circuit Design is pretty much the best thing ever. Right now I'm in second year computer science.
March 2011 |