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Tankers Levels

Download Beach Map (2 kB)
  Rating: 7.5/10 (8 votes)
  Downloads: 1170
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Beach map for Tankers. Has plenty of spots you can use as cover and a large impassable island in the middle which can let you catch your enemy from behind as it's hard to see over it. This map is included with the game.

Download Classic Map (2 kB)
  Rating: 6.8/10 (6 votes)
  Downloads: 900
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Classic Tankers map. Did someone say 'strategy'?
Classic Map is Recommended by!

Download (1 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 528
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Two of my maps for tankers

Download Deathmatch Map (2 kB)
  Rating: 6.8/10 (6 votes)
  Downloads: 894
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Deathmatch map. Open field, one with better skill wins, it's as simple as that.

Download Digital Waters Maps (4 kB)
  Rating: 7.1/10 (6 votes)
  Downloads: 978
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Map Descriptions:
Blind-For this map you have to play the game with the mini map turned OFF. Since Barrett made the last version of the game, you can no longer drive past the ends of the map. This map is identical to Death Match but has no distinguished boarder.
Land and Lakes-This is the first map I ever made. I have changed it around a little bit do to some 'unfair' shooting points and added some bushes to blow up. It consists of a large land mass, two islands, and two lakes.
Symmetry-This map is entirely symmetrical. All you do is drive around on the brick paths across the water a through a central island.
Untitled-I cannot come up with a name for this map, therefore I will call it Untitled. I also have no decription for it either. Test it I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Water-This file is not a map. It is just a template if you want to make your own water based maps.
Water Ways-Recoil is the best PC tankers game. Under the munlti players map collections there is a map called Water Ways. I designed this map in remembrance of that game. This map is simmilar to Land and Lakes but there are 4 islands with one large body of water separateing them all.
Digital Waters Maps is Recommended by!

Download Divided (1 kB)
  Rating: 7/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 660
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Divided map for Tankers.

Download Flower Map (2 kB)
  Rating: 7.1/10 (8 votes)
  Downloads: 715
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
This is a symmetrical map in a shape of a flower. Plays very nicely and requires a good deal of skill to survive.

Download Leveled (1 kB)
  Rating: 9.6/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 696
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
An interesting map with nice strategic layout and lots of places to hide. The map also demonstrates a good use of destroyable flower plants which can give experienced Tankers player an enge over their competitor.

Download Linmaps (2 kB)
  Rating: 7.6/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 655
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Three fun maps. First map is a city map, second map is a dueling map, third map is a desert map. (Tankers Map Editor raw maps were not included, hence no map screenshots)

Download Mayan Battle Arena (33.1 kB)
  Rating: 9.3/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 818
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
This battle arena was made long time ago by the best Mayan warriors for their trainees to prove their completion of military training. Only the best warriors were able to pass through this challenge of their life and prove they're the best of the best. After many centuries this legendary arena was redone for Tankers battles. Now you can prove you're the best!!!

This is a map for strategic play. While there are plenty of spots to hide in, when you enter the arena grounds its not easy to retreat and you'll have to duke it out with your opponent. This map is especially hard with computer players, that's why destuctible shrubs were added. Have fun and happy battles!
Mayan Battle Arena is Recommended by!

Download Maze Map (2 kB)
  Rating: 6.8/10 (6 votes)
  Downloads: 752
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Maze map for Tankers, included with the game.

Download Mirror Map (1 kB)
  Rating: 7/10 (7 votes)
  Downloads: 677
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
This map is a symetrical map with a few places to hide. The best strategy is to out-manuever your apponent and get in a shot when he's stuck. There are many places to run, however it is possible to get cornered if you dont watch where your going.

Download MSmaps v1.0 (2.7 kB)
  Rating: 8.5/10 (4 votes)
  Downloads: 670
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
This level set contains three Tankers levels I made. MSbases_: Two bases that face each other, and there are three paths from one base to another. There are also several openings in the rocks where a tank can "hide" and surprise the other tank. MSoppose: A symmetrical level, split up horizontally into two sections that oppose each other. This level has lots of grass, and various rock designs that you can shoot through or "hide" inside. MSnohide: A very interesting level. Basically, there is only one narrow path in the whole level, and both tanks travel along it. There is very little room to hide from a shot, so the point of the level is mainly to have the fastest reflexes :-) Included are "source" files named 'MSoppose','MSbases_', and 'MSnohide'. If you have a copy of the Tankers Map Editor, put this in the main folder and open one if you would like to make minor modifications of your own. (Screenns: MSbases, MSnohide, MSoppose)

Download NoWay Map (2 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 253
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
In this map there are very few physical objects to get in the way of your shots, but plenty of water to navigate around.

Download Orchard (1 kB)
  Rating: 5/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 563
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Fun level in an orchard with lots of trees to hide behind.

Download Seasons Map (1 kB)
  Rating: 6.8/10 (6 votes)
  Downloads: 702
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
This is a map for the best 89 link game ever, Tankers. The map itself actually represents different environments rather than seasons... but the name couldn't be longer than 8 letters so it's called seasons. Enjoy.

Download Shoots and Ladders (2 kB)
  Rating: 7.1/10 (7 votes)
  Downloads: 705
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
This is a map resembling the shoots and ladders game. (kind of...)

Download Tankers Map Pak (109.5 kB)
  Rating: 6.3/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 756
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Tankers Map Pak is a set of 4 balanced maps for multiplayer or single player Tankers. They were created through the use of the Tankers Map Editor, and have been tested on my TI-89T. They should work on any Tankers version and any 68k series calc. (I think.)

Download WarWorld (1.3 kB)
  Rating: 9/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 775
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Tankers map with lots of paths and obstacles for your advantage.

Download Window Map (1 kB)
  Rating: 7/10 (6 votes)
  Downloads: 612
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
This is a pretty cool symetrical map for Tankers 68k by Barrett Anderson.

Download Woodland (1 kB)
  Rating: 5/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 584
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
A level in a woodland with water. Fun level.

Download Xes Map (2 kB)
  Rating: 7/10 (6 votes)
  Downloads: 644
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Very unusual map. Not much of a place to hide and not much of a place to shoot far. This is the ultimate test for your skills with a decent opponent.

Download Zcity Map (148 kB)
  Rating: 9.6/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 816
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Very unusual map. Not much of a place to hide and not much of a place to shoot far. This is the ultimate test for your skills with a decent opponent. ( is 148 kb because it includes an animated ingame screenshot)
Zcity Map is Recommended by!

Download Zoba Maps (12 kB)
  Rating: 7.2/10 (7 votes)
  Downloads: 791
  Platform: 68k
  Type: Level
  Category: Tankers
Chris Zoba's maps. Nice variety, nice maps
Zoba Maps is Recommended by!

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