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Mayan Battle Arena

File Information
Name: Mayan Battle Arena
Filesize: 33.1 kB
Downloads: 796
Date added: Mar 25, 2003
Platform: 68k
Language: Other
File Type: Level
Category: Tankers
Last modified: Mar 25, 2003
68k Levels
TI-89 Levels
TI-92+ Levels
Voyage 200 Levels

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Rating: 9.3 (Best Download)/10 based on 3 votes.
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File Website: There is no website dedicated to this title.
Author(s): Konstantin Beliakov

File Description:  This battle arena was made long time ago by the best Mayan warriors for their trainees to prove their completion of military training. Only the best warriors were able to pass through this challenge of their life and prove they're the best of the best. After many centuries this legendary arena was redone for Tankers battles. Now you can prove you're the best!!!

This is a map for strategic play. While there are plenty of spots to hide in, when you enter the arena grounds its not easy to retreat and you'll have to duke it out with your opponent. This map is especially hard with computer players, that's why destuctible shrubs were added. Have fun and happy battles!


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