Author | Comment |
CarbonFire Probe Posted: 19 Feb 2009 21:47 GMT Total Posts: 6 | I have a Mouse Trap game where you move boxes to trap the M that randomly moves on screen. I have 2 problems.
The ü is the Store arrow and á is the litle L for List
1. The M Move Logic shuts the script down if it tries to move in the same direction twice and fails both times. Heres the code:
Lbl J
WüU ZüV randInt(1,4)üI If I=1 W+1üW If I=2 W-1üW If I=3 Z+1üZ If I=4 Z-1üZ
If ((W=áB(1) and Z=áB(2)) or (W=áB(3) and Z=áB(4)) or (W=áB(5) and Z=áB(6))) or W<1 or W>16 or Z<1 or Z>8 Then UüW VüZ Goto J End
If you dont get whats going on, Pretty much it saves W and Z (The M's X and Y Coordinates respectively) in case the move doesnt work out, and moves on to generate a random number 1-4. Then, it moves using the random number, and checks if its on top of any of the Boxes (the List parts) or if its off screen. If it is one of those, it sets the location to the previous spot, and tries to move again. If it doesnt hit anything, the game goes on to move the main character and the boxes.
2. The game randomly freezes occasionally
Code: 0üH Lbl F ClrHome Menu("Trap V1.00","Start",C,"Instructions",D,"Exit",E) Lbl E ClrHome Disp "Final Score" Disp "The Lower = Better" Pause H ClrHome Stop
Lbl D ClrHome Disp "To Move:" Disp "Arrow Keys" Disp "To Win:" Disp "Trap the M" Disp "Game Tip:" Disp "M Cant Go In Box" Disp "0 Key To Leave" Repeat Ans getKey End Goto F
Lbl C SetUpEditorB 0üF 1üI 1üQ
1üX 1üY 1üM 1üN
10üW 4üZ 10üU 4üV
2üáB(1) 2üáB(2) 2üáB(3) 4üáB(4) 2üáB(5) 6üáB(6)
While 1 ClrHome Output(Y,X,"X Output(Z,W,"M Output(áB(2),áB(1),"Ð Output(áB(4),áB(3),"Ð Output(áB(6),áB(5),"Ð
Repeat O getKeyüO End OüK
Lbl J
WüU ZüV randInt(1,4)üI If I=1 W+1üW If I=2 W-1üW If I=3 Z+1üZ If I=4 Z-1üZ
If ((W=áB(1) and Z=áB(2)) or (W=áB(3) and Z=áB(4)) or (W=áB(5) and Z=áB(6))) or W<1 or W>16 or Z<1 or Z>8 Then UüW VüZ Goto J End
If K=102 Goto E
If K=24 and X>1 X-1üX
If K=26 and X<16 X+1üX
If K=25 and Y>1 Y-1üY
If K=34 and Y<8 Y+1üY
1üÁ For(Á,1,5,2) If X=áB(Á) and Y=áB(Á+1) Then ÁüL 1üA End End
If A=1 Then If M>áB(L) Then áB(L)-1üáB(L) End If M<áB(L) Then áB(L)+1üáB(L) End If N>áB(L+1) Then áB(L+1)-1üáB(L+1) End If N<áB(L+1) Then áB(L+1)+1üáB(L+1) End 0üA
If áB(L)<1 or áB(L)>16 Then XüáB(L) MüX End If áB(L+1)<1 or áB(L+1)>8 Then YüáB(L+1) NüY End End
H+1üH End
tifreak8x Administrator
Posted: 20 Feb 2009 10:29 GMT Total Posts: 419 | Hmm.. Gonna need some time to go through this and see what I can figure out..
Also, use of Lbl and Goto commands are frowned upon in BASIC, as it can, and will in 95% of anything you do, slow down your program.
Edit bleh.. Decided to just clean up the code, fix things I see, optimize what I can..
Delvar H Lbl F ClrHome Menu("Trap V1.00","Start",C,"Instructions",D,"Exit",E Lbl E ClrHome Disp "Final Score","The Lower = Better" Pause H ClrHome Return
Lbl D ClrHome Disp "To Move:","Arrow Keys","To Win:","Trap the M","Game Tip:","M Cant Go In Box","0 Key To Leave Repeat getKey End Goto F
Lbl C SetUpEditor B Delvar F 1->I 1->Q 1->X 1->Y 1->M 1->N 10->W 4->Z W->U 4->V {2,2,2,4,2,6->L_B
While 1 ClrHome Output(Y,X,"X Output(Z,W,"M Output(L_B(2),L_B(1),"Ð Output(L_B(4),L_B(3),"Ð Output(L_B(6),L_B(5),"Ð
Repeat O getKey->O End O->K
Lbl J
W->U Z->V randInt(1,4 If Ans W+1->W If Ans=2 W-1->W If Ans=3 Z+1->Z If Ans=4 Z-1->Z
If ((W=L_B(1) and Z=L_B(2)) or (W=L_B(3) and Z=L_B(4)) or (W=L_B(5) and Z=L_B(6))) or W<1 or W>16 or Z<1 or Z>8 Then U->W V->Z Goto J End
X->M Y->N
If K=102 Goto E
If K=24 and X>1 X-1->X
If K=26 and X<16 X+1->X
If K=25 and Y>1 Y-1->Y
If K=34 and Y<8 Y+1->Y
1->Á For(/theta/,1,5,2) If X=L_B(/theta/) and Y=L_B(/theta/+1) Then /theta/->L 1->A End End
If A=1 Then If M>L_B(L:L_B(L)-1->L_B(L If M<L_B(L:L_B(L)+1->L_B(L If N>L_B(L+1:L_B(L+1)-1->L_B(L+1 If N<L_B(L+1:L_B(L+1)+1->L_B(L+1 Delvar A
If L_B(L)<1 or 16<L_B(L Then X->L_B(L M->X End If L_B(L+1)<1 or 8<L_B(L+1 Then Y->L_B(L+1 N->Y End End
H+1->H End
--- Bringing you Pokemon, for your calculator. |
CarbonFire Probe Posted: 20 Feb 2009 15:10 GMT Total Posts: 6 | ok, if fixed those 2 problems but im still working on stuff |
CarbonFire Probe Posted: 20 Feb 2009 17:16 GMT Total Posts: 6 | k heres revised code:
if you have any questions post here ill get back to ya soon.
0üR 0üáB(8) Lbl F ClrHome Menu("Trap V1.00","Start",C,"Instructions",D,"LOWSCORE",P,"Exit",E) Lbl E ClrHome Disp "Final Score" Disp "The Lower = Better" If H<áB(7) and R=1 HüáB(7) Disp H Repeat Ans getKey End ClrHome Stop
Lbl P ClrHome Disp "LOWSCORE" Disp áB(7) Repeat Ans getKey End Goto F
Lbl D ClrHome Disp "TO MOVE: ARROWS" Disp "To Win:" Disp "Trap the M" Disp "Game Tip:" Disp "M Cant Go In Box" Disp "0 Key To Leave" Disp "1 KEY TO RESTART" Repeat Ans getKey End Goto F
Lbl C 0üáB(8) 0üH SetUpEditorB 0üF 1üI 1üQ
1üX 1üY 1üM 1üN
10üW 4üZ 10üU 4üV
2üáB(1) 2üáB(2) 2üáB(3) 4üáB(4) 2üáB(5) 6üáB(6)
While 1 ClrHome Output(Y,X,"X Output(Z,W,"M Output(áB(2),áB(1),"Ð Output(áB(4),áB(3),"Ð Output(áB(6),áB(5),"Ð
Repeat O getKeyüO End OüK
For(Á,1,4) For(T,1,5,2) If Á=1 Then If (áB(T)=W and áB(T+1)=Z-1) or Z-1<1 áB(8)+1üáB(8) End If Á=2 Then If (áB(T)=W+1 and áB(T+1)=Z) or W+1>16 áB(8)+1üáB(8) End If Á=3 The If (áB(T)=W and áB(T+1)=Z+1) or Z+1>8 áB(8)+1üáB(8) End If Á=4 Then If (áB(T)=W-1 and áB(T+1)=Z) or W-1<1 áB(8)+1üáB(8) End End End If áB(8)ù4 Goto E 0üáB(8)
WüU ZüV randInt(1,4)üI If I=1 W+1üW If I=2 W-1üW If I=3 Z+1üZ If I=4 Z-1üZ
If ((W=áB(1) and Z=áB(2)) or (W=áB(3) and Z=áB(4)) or (W=áB(5) and Z=áB(6))) or W<1 or W>16 or Z<1 or Z>8 Then UüW VüZ End
If K=92 Goto F
If K=102 Goto E
If K=24 and X>1 X-1üX
If K=26 and X<16 X+1üX
If K=25 and Y>1 Y-1üY
If K=34 and Y<8 Y+1üY
1üÁ For(Á,1,5,2) If X=áB(Á) and Y=áB(Á+1) Then ÁüL 1üA End End
If A=1 Then If M>áB(L) Then áB(L)-1üáB(L) End If M<áB(L) Then áB(L)+1üáB(L) End If N>áB(L+1) Then áB(L+1)-1üáB(L+1) End If N<áB(L+1) Then áB(L+1)+1üáB(L+1) End 0üA
If áB(L)<1 or áB(L)>16 Then XüáB(L) MüX End If áB(L+1)<1 or áB(L+1)>8 Then YüáB(L+1) NüY End End
H+1üH End
tifreak8x Administrator
Posted: 20 Feb 2009 17:56 GMT Total Posts: 419 | Just curious, but did you apply -any- of the changes in code I did to your game?
Granted, I didn't get around to fixing some aspects of the movement engine that needs to be..
--- Bringing you Pokemon, for your calculator. |
CarbonFire Probe Posted: 20 Feb 2009 18:20 GMT Total Posts: 6 | no i didnt, i didnt see your changes, and i did all the rest at school. |
tifreak8x Administrator
Posted: 20 Feb 2009 18:35 GMT Total Posts: 419 | Well, you should look into adding my changes to the code, will save you some space and speed things up a bit.
--- Bringing you Pokemon, for your calculator. |
CarbonFire Probe Posted: 20 Feb 2009 20:53 GMT Total Posts: 6 | it would be easier for me if you changed the final code because I dont really know what you did and I dont want to mess it up |
Vectris Ultralisk
Posted: 21 Feb 2009 08:14 GMT Total Posts: 375 | If your going to use symbols at least use the right ones! I'd like to help but it's so confusing with Us for stores and As for Ls.
There's no reason to waste time using symbols when you can just use -> for store (much better than A) and use something like a | or \ for L. Or get a symbol like └ that at least kind of make sense instead of an 'a'.
If you can replace your code with -> and └ I can try to help. |
CarbonFire Probe Posted: 21 Feb 2009 10:30 GMT Total Posts: 6 | it did that automatically cause I copied code from TI program editor. just do search and replace yourself |