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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Programming \ Quick request please (bring calc (preferably 84+ and 83+/se))

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Posted: 11 Dec 2008
19:36 GMT
Total Posts: 39
I was wondering if I could get some (at least two) people to help me. Could I get some people to type the following program into their calcs and return the results to me, via subsequent posts. (it's asm so be careful) (if you don't know what asm is, or what to do with it; you need not apply...) This is supposed to tell me what kind of calc you have, for my new game; and all I have is a 83+ and a 84+/se (I have gotten 0 & 3 from both respectively.) So I need some help getting the numbers from both the remaining two. So heres the program.
Also don't run it if you don't have a recent OS version, and obviously one made by TI.


Head, and only, programmer of StarAeritha Productions
Posted: 11 Dec 2008
22:21 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
Let's see...

ld hl, 9872h
ld a, ($9874)
ld h, 00
ld l, a
B_CALL(4507h? what?)

but my calc is out of batteries, so no test. :(
What's the second to last ROM call supposed to be?

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).
Posted: 12 Dec 2008
11:25 GMT
Total Posts: 39
bcall(_4507) is to display the decimal value of the hex in the hl register set. (bcall(_disphl))

To clarify, when I mean to return the results form a calc it means run the prog and tell me what you get.

What the program does (to anyone not knowing), is this.
*first it clears the screen and resets the cursor.
*then it loads the location of the appBackUpScreen into hl
*executes a rom call that outputs~nine bytes of subsequent data (I don't know exactly the amount outputted, as I'm only interested in the 3rd byte.)
*it loads the 3rd byte (the hardware version) into acc (register a)
*stores 00->h and acc->l in prep for the bcall(_disphl)
*displays the decimal value for the hex in hl

The data is for my program, I need to know the model of calc the game is being run on. (so it can implement timing or not)

Luckily I have acquired the hardware code from the 83+, the 84+, and the 84+/se (0,2,3; respectively) I assume that a 83+/se will return a 1, but I want the data to back it up so nothing goes horribly wrong.

Head, and only, programmer of StarAeritha Productions
Posted: 15 Dec 2008
11:51 GMT
Total Posts: 171
The 83+ SE will return a one, so you're OK on that. You can see a similar routine in some Apps (Xlib comes to mind).

<--- Going out with a bang.

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