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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Programming \ ASM help needed: experienced programmers please!

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Posted: 3 Nov 2008
19:43 GMT
Total Posts: 39
I need one thing for the game I'm working on, I need to be able to get my asm program to draw a value from the variable (theta). I'm not all that experienced, but I need this vital piece to form a text-recall program. I need to know the hex location of (theta) or if I've gone wrong about the location,and in fact I need to do something else, could someone please point me in a direction.

The last time I tried a variant of random trial, I did it on my Tilem emulator, and it crashed it, completely, the whole program; I don't want to know what that would have done to my poor 83+.

As for the game, I'm trying to plan an unveil and release date for it, but until then it's insiders only...for a while.

Head, and only, programmer of StarAeritha Productions
Posted: 3 Nov 2008
21:47 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
I'd check out parts 19 and 21 of Asm in 28 Days. Good luck with the game!

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).
Posted: 4 Nov 2008
04:21 GMT
Total Posts: 100
It looks like that site is down, so I'll throw in that you can recall the contents of theta using BCALLs, explained in the 83+ SDK. That'll get it to OP1, and from there you can use _ConvOP1 to get it in DE and do with it as you please.

Or if you absolutely need the address of it in memory like you said, you can use _FindSym, also explained in the SDK.

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