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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Programming \ A fresh final fight

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Posted: 10 Apr 2008
18:50 GMT
Total Posts: 3
Hey, this is Sonicsnare. I'm making a satirical RPG about my eighth period math class. It deals with 10 school days with some real stuff that has happened, in jokes, and other fictional "what if this really happened" stuff. This is my second game I have made, after Bandcamp, which was basically the same except for the band theme present in this one.

Anyways, what I did in Bandcamp at the end was have a little epic battle between the player and the band director, which caught everyone off-guard and made them love it. I was hoping to do the same with this current game, but I need something that will top a regular RPG style fight. Are there any guides/templates/stuff I can read to make an end boss fight more exciting? I was thinking about using getkey, but I'm not really sure how to implement it.

Thanks for your time and response.
Posted: 11 Apr 2008
18:53 GMT
Total Posts: 210
getKey info pages:

To make it more exciting, use the graph screen. Create good sprites for the fighters, have multiple options (e.g. more than just "Attack"). Dynamic/creative graphics will definitely improve the popularity.

Posted: 11 Apr 2008
21:04 GMT
Total Posts: 375
getkeys really easy to learn once you use it a lot, you'll soon memorize the most important keys, also notice how the layout jumps by tens (starting at 11 which is Y= key) as it goes down all the way to the ON button (101)

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