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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ HELP! Mem key won't work...and graphs display undefined error

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Posted: 1 Apr 2008
08:37 GMT
Total Posts: 2

I'm using a TI-84+

1. If I hit [2nd] then [mem] it does nothing. Both keys work for all other functions. This has never worked for me, but I was always able to work around it.

2. Until now, for some reason when I try to graph anything lately it gives me ERR: UNDEFINED. Even simple functions like y=x. I figure a reset would fix this, but I can't reset because of #1.

I hope my calculator is just celebrating April Fools Day, otherwise this is pretty depressing.
Posted: 1 Apr 2008
12:20 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
1. It sounds like you're using MirageOS and the keyhook got the best of you. To clear your RAM, follow these steps:
a. Create a new program named DSTRYCALC
b. Open it in the program editor, find "AsmPrgm" in the
catalog, and put it on the first line of the program. After that, type in "18FE," only without quotation marks.
c. Go to the homescreen, find "Asm(" in the catalog, and run the program. After removing a battery and putting it back in, you should have a nice "RAM Cleared" message.

2. You might just have the plots turned on. Press [2nd], [Y=], [4], then [ENTER].

How do those things work?

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).
Posted: 1 Apr 2008
15:55 GMT
Total Posts: 210
Couldn't you just unblock the memory menu through Mirage, instead of clearing the RAM?

Posted: 1 Apr 2008
16:57 GMT
Total Posts: 2
Thanks, both of you. I didn't realize the first problem had anything to do with Mirage. Clearing the RAM works temporarily but as soon as I run Mirage it gets blocked again. But this can be easily fixed in the Mirage settings.

And yes, I did have plots on.
Posted: 1 Apr 2008
18:00 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
I kind of took for granted that he was locked out of MirageOS due to someone else's password protection.

slim: Yay for functionality. It was temporary because MirageOS archives its application variable.

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).
Posted: 1 Apr 2008
18:40 GMT
Total Posts: 375
or if MirageOS actually archived the password variables he could get a friend to resend the MirageOS password variable to his calculator overriding the one already on it (the friend would have to set no pass or tell him) anyways lots of ways around it.
Posted: 3 Apr 2008
06:39 GMT
Total Posts: 692
Going into MirageOS to the point where you are prompted for the password and then removing the battery has the same effect, as the variable is in RAM at that point.
Posted: 27 Apr 2008
20:07 GMT
Total Posts: 939
>> It was temporary because MirageOS archives its application variable.

Well, no. It was unable to re-apply the [MEM] block because you have to run MirageOS for it to be able to notice that the block was no longer in affect.
Posted: 27 Apr 2008
20:23 GMT
Total Posts: 1111
Aw, Andy... surely you realize that I know that. I apologize for the lack of depth in my response.

-quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do).

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