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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Programming \ Making A New Game! Need a movement engine: details inside.

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Posted: 3 Dec 2007
19:01 GMT
Total Posts: 39
I am making a new game it's called Private Island. Your a character who lives on a private island and you need to find yourself a wife to continue your family for as many generations as you can. It will include two modes: free and life. In free mode you have as many days to accomplish this as you want, but in life mode you only have a set amount of days to find yourself a wife. Besides the point, I need a movement engine. I devised a simple system to move the character around. (keep in mind this is only the prototype ME I will be using a more sophisticated approach in the main program, but it will run basically the same, I hope.)

:Delvar K:1>X:1>Y
:Repeat K=22
:Delvar K
:While K=0
:If K=25:Then
:If K=24:Then
:If K=34:Then
:If K=26:Then

The character moves around fine, but as you can see (if you do this on you calc.) the character will go through the - I don't want that, so I need something to prevent that from happening. So if you have any ideas, lets here them!

EDIT: After looking at the Pokemon Purple program, I guess what I REALLY need is a hit detection program.

Head, and only, programmer of StarAeritha Productions
Posted: 4 Dec 2007
07:53 GMT
Total Posts: 583
heres what i do, i use a matrix that shows where collisions are.
1's are for non moveables. 0's are.
so in a matrix like this
only the middle is unpassable. but you may want to save memory. so here's how you do it.
add this to your code.
im writing this under the assumption the "-" is at coordinates 4,5
4 is x 5 is y
:If K=25
:if Y=5 and X=5
:goto D
:If K=24
:if Y=6 and X=4
:goto D
:If K=34
:If X=3 and Y=5
:goto D
:If K=26
:If X=4 and y=4

now thats specific if you're looking for something thatll work with everything, you should look into my matrix form.

Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid.
Posted: 5 Dec 2007
03:48 GMT
Total Posts: 39
Thanks, though i think it might just take to much memory and space where i'm concerned, I should have mentioned that the game will be played in screen-side windows, and won't scroll with the character. So this ends up meaning I have about 25 16x8 character windows.

Head, and only, programmer of StarAeritha Productions
Posted: 5 Dec 2007
16:44 GMT
Total Posts: 39
Yeah I checked today, It would take just too much memory...

Head, and only, programmer of StarAeritha Productions
Posted: 7 Dec 2007
09:33 GMT
Total Posts: 419
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