Author | Comment |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 22 Mar 2007 13:12 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | When doing hexy stufff, are inputted numbers still read little-endianly? Example:012A32 Would B hold 2A or 32?
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
threefingeredguy Ghost
Posted: 22 Mar 2007 21:54 GMT Total Posts: 1189 | 32
--- Someone call for an exterminator? |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 23 Mar 2007 09:40 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | In this list of opcodes, is "$" used to represent the current address of the JP or JR instruction? If so, is it even possible to define labels with just hex?
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
threefingeredguy Ghost
Posted: 23 Mar 2007 15:42 GMT Total Posts: 1189 | That opcode list sucks. For the relative addressing functions, it fails to mention that you need to add on another byte representing the offset. Read the z80iss and z80opcod.txt.
You can't define labels at all in programs, only apps. A label in a program is just a pointer for the assembler, it doesn't really exist in the program.
--- Someone call for an exterminator? |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 1 Apr 2007 12:41 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | Ok. I think this is the last thing I need to understand before I can do things: How, using nothing but instructions, would I go about manipulating the graph screen? Is there a certain address that the graph screen starts at? If so, what is the offset for each row?
If you could refer me to a resource that talks about it, that would be just as good.
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
threefingeredguy Ghost
Posted: 1 Apr 2007 18:34 GMT Total Posts: 1189 | Read to see the locations of each memory area. You're looking for plotsscreen. Also, if you need to use some ram to store values, you can use savesscreen. Try writing a couple of things in notepad then converting them byte-by-byte to machine code.
--- Someone call for an exterminator? |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 1 Apr 2007 19:39 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | AF3D26932E4077C9! Thanks for your help, 3fg! It's good to have knowedgable people at CG.
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
threefingeredguy Ghost
Posted: 2 Apr 2007 22:16 GMT Total Posts: 1189 | Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one. ;)
Edit: All I know about that hex you just wrote is that there's a return at the end. By the way, never use C7. Bad opcode.
--- Someone call for an exterminator? |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 14 Apr 2007 22:54 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | I'll be back (at CG and other forums) in a week or less. I'm going to finish memorizing all the opcodes so I can program more efficiently.
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
allynfolksjr Administrator
Posted: 15 Apr 2007 14:36 GMT Total Posts: 1892 | I'm very knowledgeable. Just not in the whole programming calculators aspect. :) |