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banjo2E Wraith
Posted: 6 Mar 2007 16:45 GMT Total Posts: 689 | The program downloadable by this URL is my attempt at making sprites.
Click Here
If you see weird stuff, ignore it. I didn't know what to put for message text in my confirmation email to myself.
Anyway, this is one of two versions. In the other version, lines seven and eight, instead of being blank, read:
:While getkey=0 :End
The first version is fast but the screen flickers so fast that the bottom is a ludicrously light gray. The second, modified version does not flicker but is slow. How may I move past this block that has been stopping me from using sprites for like a year now?
--- <------ WOOOOO!!!!! |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 6 Mar 2007 18:38 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | Since Barret listens to this forum's users more than anyone could ever hope for elsewhere, all's well. Look at Barret's post for what I originally wrote.
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
Barrett Administrator
Posted: 6 Mar 2007 21:12 GMT Total Posts: 1676 | Taken from the page haveacalc linked to:
Try this example first. It works because Output continues to the next line (and the next) when the string to be displayed exceeds 16 characters. Since it replaces anything that was previously there, the ClrHome can be removed:
8->X 5->Y Lbl 0 Output(1,1,"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO OO OO OO OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Output(Y,X,"! getKey->Z If Z=25 Then Y-1->Y End If Z=34 Then Y+1->Y End If Z=24 Then X-1->X End If Z=26 Then X+1->X End 0->Z If X=1 Then 2->X End If X=16 Then 15->X End If Y=1 Then 2->Y End If Y=8 Then 7->Y End Goto 0
Some things: 1) When there's only one line of code to execute in the If /Then statement, you can get rid of the Then's and End's. 2) Use an endless "While " loop instead of your label. Replace "Lbl 0" with "While 1" and "Goto 0" with "End" 3) There's no reason to clear Z before storing the getKey to it again (you can get rid of "0->Z"). 4) You can just display your background once. To erase the character's position, store its previous coordinates to other variables. The program now looks like this:
8->X 5->Y 8->A 5->B Output(1,1,"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO OO OO OO OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO While 1 Output(A,B," Output(Y,X,"! X->A Y->B getKey->Z If Z=25 Y-1->Y If Z=34 Y+1->Y If Z=24 X-1->X If Z=26 X+1->X If X=1 2->X If X=16 15->X If Y=1 2->Y If Y=8 7->Y End
Now, remember that a true condition equals one and that a false condition's zero. Take this line of code, for example: X-(Z=24 and X!=2)+(Z=26 and X!=15->X If you pressed the left arrow key and the character isn't already as far left as it can go, subtract one. If the right arrow key was pressed and you haven't yet reached the rightward bound, add one. So, you can change the program to this:
8->X 5->Y 8->A 5->B Output(1,1,"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO OO OO OO OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO While 1 Output(A,B," Output(Y,X,"! X->A Y->B getKey->Z X-(Z=24 and X!=2)+(Z=26 and X!=15->X Y-(Z=25 and Y!=2)+(Z=34 and Y!=7->Y End
I wasn't able to test any of this code, so I may have messed up somewhere. Nevertheless, you should be able to get the gist of it all.
--- -Barrett A |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 6 Mar 2007 22:37 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | It's true!
Optimizing it even further:
8→X 5→Y 5→A "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Disp Ans For(B,2,7 Disp "O O End Output(8,1,Ans While 1 Output(A,B," Output(Y,X,"! Y→A X→B getKey→Z X-(Ans=24 and X≠2)+(Ans=26 and X≠15→X Y-(Z=25 and Y≠2)+(Z=34 and Y≠7→Y End As you look at this code, remember that Ans contains the most recently executed mathmatical or string operation, excluding For( loops' incrementing. Also, when a For( loop finishes looping, the increment (1 as default) is added to the used variable. That's why it works to use "B" for the For( loop without ever giving it a value later (but still before the While loop): the For( loop aleady sets it.
Note: Throughout all those first examples, I accidentally typedX→A Y→B when it should actually beY→A X→B So, you'd need to change that to get each example working properly.
Does all of that help, banjo?
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
banjo2E Wraith
Posted: 8 Mar 2007 05:49 GMT Total Posts: 689 | Possibly, thank you.
Edit: Oh, but that one statement: "When there's only one line of code to execute in the If /Then statement, you can get rid of the Then's and End's."
Sadly, that does not work for me. I don't know why. It just bugs up for me quite frequently.
--- <------ WOOOOO!!!!! |
banjo2E Wraith
Posted: 8 Mar 2007 13:23 GMT Total Posts: 689 | Wait, what's with all the factorials?
(I double-posted so you'd look at this.)
--- <------ WOOOOO!!!!! |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 8 Mar 2007 15:18 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | Since I was unable to display the unequal-to character in my post, I used its almost universal equivalent (!=). Just find n' replace...
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
banjo2E Wraith
Posted: 9 Mar 2007 05:51 GMT Total Posts: 689 | Ahhh... That makes sense. Although, if you have Word, you can use the symbol directory to get it, then copy-and-paste it into wherever you're posting it. It may also be on Character Map, though that is more limited than Word's Symbols.
--- <------ WOOOOO!!!!! |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 9 Mar 2007 10:31 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | That's not the problem. Have you tried putting a character like that in one of your posts? If not, do.
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
TheOnlyJon Dragoon
Posted: 9 Mar 2007 20:26 GMT Total Posts: 96 | ŢÖŤÂĹĻŸ ŨŃŖĒÃĎĀΒĿĚ
--- <--! I have no comment at this time --> |
Barrett Administrator
Posted: 9 Mar 2007 23:02 GMT Total Posts: 1676 | ☼♫♪♀♂▓▒░♠♣♥♦ ﻻﻦﺹﻈДЁώЊ≠
Ok those things should work now... any of those & # digits ; combinations should work...
--- -Barrett A |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 10 Mar 2007 12:02 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | Ok, thanks. I'll edit my post...
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
banjo2E Wraith
Posted: 10 Mar 2007 13:50 GMT Total Posts: 689 | Man, it's kinda weird how discussions can go from programming help to site updating.
--- <------ WOOOOO!!!!! |
haveacalc Guardian
Posted: 10 Mar 2007 14:02 GMT Total Posts: 1111 | No, seriously: How comes your comprehension on the discussed concepts? Do you have any questions?
--- -quoted directly from most movies that don't exist (and some that do). |
banjo2E Wraith
Posted: 11 Mar 2007 12:23 GMT Total Posts: 689 | Nope. No questions at this time.
--- <------ WOOOOO!!!!! |