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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Zelda

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Posted: 8 Apr 2002
18:32 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
i'm not sure that this will be possible, in fact it only will be possible if we have less than 255 tiles, and even then, the map itself would take up 80K, but how about we make a version of Zelda for the calculator that will play the maps we make? if we want we can use the same editor, and just have smaller maps so it will take up less space... what do you think? we'd have to convert the tiles to 4 grey, which would be a pain depending on how we do it

-Barrett A
Posted: 8 Apr 2002
19:33 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Yes, that does sound nice. Perhaps you can compress maps can't you? Converting to 4 level gray wouldn't be a problems because each tiles uses not more than 4 colors. Also, remember 64 kb file size limit? I love huge maps, which you can explore, so I'd like to see what others have towards this idea.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 16 Apr 2002
15:24 GMT
Total Posts: 19
yeah dude, a zelda maker for the 89 would be so phat! i'd make some phat levels... the map doesn't have to be that big, maybe even just a 50x50 main map, 30x30 sub maps, and 10x10 rooms would be good... and if you wanted more you could just make another one, and have a password for it if you want to be able to start it, but that would restrict going back and forth i guess. although you could segment map files in to 4 or 5 different files and have the calc pull them out of the archive as they are needed, that would probably work too - i've always wanted to make a zelda game for the calc, but i don't have the programming skills, this would be awesome, but finish SAS and SC first.
Posted: 17 Apr 2002
19:57 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
nice ideas madman, i'll look in to this once i get some of these other projects done. i highly doubt speed will be a problem, (look at tankers... Zelda would require just a little more features, but it should be just fine)... buff ideas

-Barrett A
Posted: 2 May 2004
07:22 GMT
Total Posts: 134
whatever happened to this?

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