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TI-84+/SE Utility Programs
Assembly | BASIC | Flash


Download Shutdown (0.3 kB)
  Rating: 3.2/10 (15 votes)
  Downloads: 1842
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Shuts down your calc. (An improved TI-OS version)


Download ADefault (1.2 kB)
  Rating: 4.7/10 (4 votes)
  Downloads: 368
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
ADEFAULT just turns all your variables into 0, clears your lists, and sets other factory defauts, as well as garbage collects. It does not harm your programs. See the readme for more information.

Download AV31K Clean-Up Utility (11 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 584
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
I created this because I wanted an easy access to be able to Garbage Collect, Defragment, and approxamentley find out how much battery i have left without having to download 3 different prgms and have to run each one seperatly.

Download BAC Approximator (15 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 513
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility

I have said in several places (both in the program and in the readme) that ALL ANSWERS ARE APPROXIMATE AND NOT MEANT FOR PERSONAL USE!
This means that if the program says that drinking so many beers will give a BAC level of __ (insert number beneath legal limit here), know that it IS NOT EXACT AND WILL NOT GIVE YOUR PERSONAL BAC LEVEL!

Now that the fun stuff is out of the way:

This program is designed to find the approximate level of alcohol in a person's body.
It is NOT meant for personal use but instead for use in classes, such as Forensics, where you are given problems that involve finding the BAC level of a subject. This program is very easy to use since it is very self explainatory and user friendly. With this program you can choose between a male or female subject and now it includes a metabolism add-on so that you do not have to do the metabolism work out for yourself!

-All answers are approximate and not meant for personal use
-When inputting the percentage of alcohol in the drink ALWAYS put in the percent number (i.e 5% you put in 5, not .05)
-Average metabolism rate is .015 per hour do not use any other number unless if given one

This program is very well made (Not just saying this for myself but have been complimented on it by many people in my school who use it for Forensics classes) and I believe that it will be a great help to you for your classes where alcohol BAC levels are discussed and problems are given to find it. Sorry about the length of this description but it is very important (ESPECIALLY the disclaimer) and please leave a rating level/comment if you have tried this program out.

But I am sure that most will use this not for anything in particular which I guess is alright as long as people aren't relying on it to be accurate and decide to go driving when in accuality they are drunk. It is important to know that everyone's body is different and responds differently to toxins such as alcohol (yes alcohol is a toxin go look it up).

If you read this far, excellent. I am sure you will enjoy this program. :P

Download BASIC MapMaker (82 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 348
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Now you can create completely scrollable maps... in BASIC! With this program, you can create, load, edit, view, and save scrollable maps of any size. Then you can use them in your own games and programs! In addition, this program includes all the hidden characters that can't normally be accessed through the TI-OS. A must download for any serious BASIC programmer. Compatible with MirageOS and other shells. To learn how to create programs capable of scrolling maps, download my tutorials at

Visit my site to download other great games and programs at:

Download C-Text v1.0 (16 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 317
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
C-Text is a light and fast text editor made as an example of how to easily change between uppercase, lowercase, and numeric. Feel free to look at the code and hopefully it will be helpful to someone.

Download CalcZip v1.0 (16.5 kB)
  Rating: 7.2/10 (10 votes)
  Downloads: 2039
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is the ultimate BASIC compression tool ever released! It has the ability to convert lists to strings, numbers to strings, strings to lists, pics to lists, and it is as fast as possible in BASIC!

Download Cleanup (1 kB)
  Rating: 2/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 487
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Do you like to run BASIC games on your calculator? Well, if you run this, it will clean up the basic variables that consume space and it won't affect most save files.

Download Command Prompt (5 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 197
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Command Prompt (CmdPrmt for short) is a tool that allows you to do a multitude of things, all from the home screen. It works by showing you a ">" on startup, checks what you typed, and responds. There are over 30 diferent commands to choose from.

Download Days between Dates 3 (2 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 192
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
dbd3() is a Days between Dates program that beats the calculator at its own game! Whereas the calculator can only find the number of days between dates ranging from 1950 to 2049, this program can find the number between ANY DATE (-inf to +inf). It still uses the Gregorian Calendar, and its still just as fast!

Download DMS Degree Converter (18 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 229
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Degree converter is a program that makes it quicker to enter degrees in minutes, seconds and degrees when you are working with GPS readings to find distances. The program the uses the >DMS function to put the numbers into DMS form with out having to go into the angle menu to get the symbols.

Download FIXGRAPH (1 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 384
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility

By Tristan Villanueva

This Program helps return your graph to normal.

Download GetKeys (.8 kB)
  Rating: 3.3/10 (14 votes)
  Downloads: 571
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is a basic program that tells you the getkeys. All you do is press a button, and it shows the function and getkey number.

Download Keylogger (2 kB)
  Rating: 5.5/10 (4 votes)
  Downloads: 614
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is a pack of keyloggers for the TI-83 and -84 series of calculators.

**From the Readme**
--Keylogger version 1.2
This is compatable with the TI-83 and 84. It also might be possible to work with the Ti-84. It will detect which keys were pressed and in which order. Hit the "GRAPH" key to exit the detection mode.

--Keylogger version 2.0
This is only compatable with the TI-84 series of calculators. It features a stealth detection mode, making it difficult for people unfamiliar with the calculator to realize it is running. To exit the detection mode, hit "quit" (2nd + "mode"). It features the time of the first + last keys pressed, and the current time.

Download KingSoft OS 3.0 beta (3 kB)
  Rating: 7.2/10 (13 votes)
  Downloads: 3332
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
KingSoft OS v3.0 beta, the newest OS for the TI-83+. Includes one game, AntiSnake, and a cool Windows XP like shell. With built in TIMED! screensaver. A must Download. Plus go to my site and fill out the beta tester form with your name and a comment and you will get beta tester credits in the final version.

Download Matrix (3 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 510
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
No relation whatsoever to the movies. Matrix is an easy to use encryption program based off the work of Lester Hill, a mathematician in the early 20th century. Use it to make sensitive text (i.e. notes in class, your diary, whatever) unreadable to the average Joe.

Download Matrix Editor + Zipper (8 kB)
  Rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 342
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is a 1000-/+ program that takes any size (no bigger than 8x16) matrix in [A] and zipps it and puts it in matrix [J]. the compression is about 7.5x this means that a 1163b matrix is zipped down to a 155b matrix. MZ also includes a Matrix Editor and a Matrix Viewer to view (huh... who would've thought of that?) zipped or un-zipped matrixes.

Download Message Crypt 2.1 (22 kB)
  Rating: 1/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 321
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is now the real Message Crypt Prgm
It can crypt your messages with password function and it fill it with over 5000Bytes of random letters and numbers
IIn the zip I have only made a german README
english readme will come soon !!!

Download Message Crypter (24 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 485
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This prgm cyn crypt your messages with over 5000 letters and number and more .
It has a Password feature now !

Download Message V1.0 (11 kB)
  Rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 411
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Message Machine
By: Thiemster
Turns 200 (or less) charicters into a list.
Charicters you can type are: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890,.'?!
Also is password protected.

Download Mouse1.0 (54 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 413
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is another BASIC GUI, with support for archiving, unarchiving, locking, and unlocking programs... And a Mouse! a bit limited, i still need the ASM program that will detect programs, but other than that, fairly complete.

Download My Word 2007 (28 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 517
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
My Word 2007

Welcome to my My Word program! Now it supports better graphics and Editing Abilities!

Installing details are in the Readme.

New added functions are:
- better GUI
- better storage
- editing function
- longer storage
- saves as LIST, not STR
- supports 5 simultaenous saves of 500 letters at once
- uses archiving function to save your storage
- easy to delete (one-click on UNINSTAL!)
- easy to setup (one-click on SETUP!)

Download Notes (1 kB)
  Rating: 6/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 2137
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
A notes program that can be used as a note taker, or your own little cheat sheet! Originally called Note Taker.

Download Resistors and Capacitors (1 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 290
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This program is for you who are in an electronics class or work on electronics. This will help you calculate the values of resistors in parallel or capacitors in series.

Download RPG Starter Kit (44 kB)
  Rating: 7.8/10 (9 votes)
  Downloads: 1521
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This very easy to use program, gives any programmer looking to make an RPG, a very solid foundation on which to build. This uses ascii graphics for the homescreen, and uses strings to build the maps and for hit detection. The program moves very fast for basic, and does not have any sluggish response when you hit a key. This comes with a 2x2 demo screen, and very explicit instructions on how the game works, and how the levels need to be built.

Excellent for begginners and advanced programmers, a must download!

Download Sprite2Hex (3 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 304
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This program helps you create and export a sprite to hexadecimal, in 8x8, 16x16, and 32x32 sizes. The program stores the information to Str4, so it is easy to use with the Hex2Sprite Program. This program could also be handy for asm programmers, needing the code to make sprites in their games/programs. 2000 byte oncalc utility, very worth the dl.

Download String Editor V2 (14 kB)
  Rating: 8/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 462
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is an on-calc string editor, for creating RPG maps on the homescreen (8x16). This program was created to assist programmers in making maps for RPG's, and is oriented for the RPG Starter Kit by TI-Freakware. Excellent program, with great documentation!

Download STRTEXT (2.8 kB)
  Rating: 6.7/10 (7 votes)
  Downloads: 712
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
First ever text program to save files to strings that require little space.

Download super hex (7 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 299
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This program can convert any number to hex except for a negative number check the source (if you know a thing or two about Ti 83/83 plus basic) and you will see that there are no condition calls or any thing and if you downloaded my other file i am sorry i didnt fully investigate the capabilities of the program ohh if you want it to be able to run on mirage os put a : on the very first line of code
and put a Pause at the very end (prgm, edit,ctl,8) so that you will be able to get the answer

Download Super Hex 2 (6 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 329
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Hello my name is mitchell and i am the programmer of the Program Abhex 3 and i would like to say that This program here is by far the best and the smallest (basic) to hex conversion utility fot the calc and it is only 88 bytes but packs a wallop. There is a smaller version of the program but i am hesitant to release it because it is too much work to maintain this utility to keep it working properly it is perfect to run within other basic programs because it is so small but the programmer will have to create stuff in the shell program to kepp it running properly. also you can modify super hex 2 to run nicely inside of other programs. this utility can convert any number to hex accept negative ones.

Download Symbols (2 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 384
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This handy little 200 byte program allows BASIC programmers to use any of 131 symbols normally unavailable in BASIC within any program. Using BASIC only, it eliminates the danger of a crash due to unstable assembly code. Now with a special GUI made by TI-Freak8x for easier use in your programs!

Download Symbols (2 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 268
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
For TI-83, TI-83+/SE, TI-84+/SE
Designed and Programmed
by Adam Steinberger

This program contains (almost) any symbol for the TI calc you could
ask for! You simply find the desired symbol from the menu, select it,
and recall Ans or Str1. Special thanks goes to the creator of XTRAVARS.
I couldn't have made this program without your help!

Download TI-PhoneBook v3.0 (11 kB)
  Rating: 1/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 252
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is one sweet phone book! You can add, delete, and even search through your contacts. Contacts may be stored as local or long distance (without the extra 1-).

**NEW TO 3.0: A faster and more robust search engine that's more than DOUBLED MEMORY EFFICIENCY!**

Download Titune2(227) (Deutsch/German only) (86 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 167
  Platform: 84p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Titune is a program to optimize the configuration of your TI Titune ist ein Programm, mit dem die Konfiguration des Taschenrechners bearbeitet werden kann. Es enthält auch eine Schnell-Optimierungs-Funktion, die den Taschenrechner entrümpelt und beschleunigt.

Download Type (1 kB)
  Rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 305
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This program will type the letters you push on the key board no numbers though you should download this to help learn basic or just to look at it is pretty cool!

Download WINMX (9.6 kB)
  Rating: 3/10 (10 votes)
  Downloads: 1001
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
All This Program Is Is A Replica Of The Windows Program Win-mx

Download Yu-Gi-Oh! (1 kB)
  Rating: 3.8/10 (9 votes)
  Downloads: 595
  Platform: 83x
  Language:  BASIC
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Yugioh life points counter helps to count the points of up to 4 players. For one player lose, he is erased from the counter. The last remaining wins.


Download AnTIvirus (1 kB)
  Rating: 2.2/10 (7 votes)
  Downloads: 1109
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This program has the same use as VirusScan by Erwin Raj, but it has better graphics.

Download ShortCut 0.7r2 (254 kB)
  Rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 451
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
ShortCut allows you to remap the keys on the calculator. What use does this have? If you have a TI Keyboard you've probably noticed that only a few diamond keys do anything. This App adds a LOT of shortcuts to diamond and square key combinations. The source is included, and the remap table is very easy to modify (as long as you can recompile the app; if not, see the Readme). It also will chain to any pre-existing keyhook if you desire.

Download TI-PhoneBook v3.0 (BasicBuilder) (13 kB)
  Rating: 1/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 211
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is one sweet phone book! You can add, delete, and even search through your contacts. Contacts may be stored as local or long distance (without the extra 1-).

Download TI-ToolZ (12 kB)
  Rating: 1.8/10 (5 votes)
  Downloads: 838
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Introducing: TI-ToolZ

every thing you need all in one app!

-make your own sprites for your basic

-fool you frends with fake WI-FI

-increse the speed of basic games by
deleting vars

-instant messinge

-lvl 2 fire wall

-play simon

-run your basic games

-assigment book

-on the calc help

and more!

Download windows xp zero FINAL (75 kB)
  Rating: 4/10 (6 votes)
  Downloads: 1805
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
the COMPLETE version windows xp

new features NOt in beta

(erase+pen) in paint
microsoft word
84+ version
my documents folder
new loading screen..

--and all the old ones

-start menu
-run plasma(ion) games
-run basic games (via cmd)
-change password
-swich off/on custom destop pic
-name incription
-name saved in list insted of string
-instant messinging
-fire wall
-link test
->shut down
-shut down
-return to ti-os
-stand by
plus inclues the beta version, for thouse who liked it better.

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