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windows xp zero FINAL

File Information
Name: windows xp zero FINAL
File: windows
Filesize: 75 kB
Downloads: 1803
Date added: Oct 10, 2006
Platform: TI-83+/SE
Language: Flash
File Type: Program
Category: Utility
Last modified: Oct 10, 2006
TI-83+/SE Flash Programs
TI-84+/SE Flash Programs

Shell: None
Rating: 4 (Tolerable)/10 based on 6 votes.
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Author(s): 4ce_labs

File Description:  the COMPLETE version windows xp

new features NOt in beta

(erase+pen) in paint
microsoft word
84+ version
my documents folder
new loading screen..

--and all the old ones

-start menu
-run plasma(ion) games
-run basic games (via cmd)
-change password
-swich off/on custom destop pic
-name incription
-name saved in list insted of string
-instant messinging
-fire wall
-link test
->shut down
-shut down
-return to ti-os
-stand by
plus inclues the beta version, for thouse who liked it better.

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Of 1 person, 0 found this review helpful.
Review by: fan4packers Reviewed on: January 28, 2007 at 21:50:32 AM
Graphics/Interface: 6/10 Pretty nice, but could be better
Playability/Usability: 5/10 Kind of confusing for a first-time user
Replay Value/Reuse Value: 4/10 Great ideas, but it takes forever to load.
Controls/Interface: 7/10 Cool Ideas!
Overall Value: 4/10 I think I'll stick with MirageOS
The idea for this is a pretty cool idea, and I could not have been able to come up with the idea. The interface is kind of confusing and it takes forever to load.

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