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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Programming \ Ti-Nspire programming

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Posted: 28 Dec 2007
23:24 GMT
Total Posts: 1
I recently got one. Before getting it, I looked here and saw a lack of information about programming it. Here, I shall note differences between this and my old TI-84+. Note that I do not know much about programming. If this has all been known, please just ignore/delete this.

With TI-84 keypad, it has (as far as I can tell) exacltly the programming capabilities of the old. I cannot tell if it duns programs faster than TI-84+ did in this mode. It has the same pre installed apps, in aobut 15 languages.

With its normal keypad...hmm. When you can 'define' a program/function. I do not know the difference between these two. You can display text, use loops, if/then, etc, but, as far as I can tell, the program cannot get additional input other than the numbers you add to its name when running it. [Programxx(3,485,.7)] Variables can be named anything, instead of being restricted to a-z. Lists and matracies can also be named anything, but are not distinguished by a symbol as they were. As far as I can tell, it has no way of arranging text/numbers other than their order. I was able to write a simple program to find prime numbers, and it runs far faster than a similar one I wrote on my TI-84+.

It seems, however, that programs are meant to be written quickly and used only a few times. Thus, a program that you define can only be used in that "calculator window". Programs can use others, but you have to copy and paste any other programs you plan to use into the same window. You can save individual programs as documents, so this is not very difficult.

As for assembely programming...I did not learn this on TI-84+, but the TI-Nspire has no 'apps' button, or anything similar. The 'home' screen has 9 basic things, most of wich are 'applicaitons' that can be added as 'tabs' to a 'document'. A program could theoreticially work the same way, but the screen is full has no scroll bar. Also, though I cannot get the "TI-Nspire computer link" software to work, it looks like it is only capable of transferring 'documents'.
Posted: 29 Dec 2007
17:37 GMT
Total Posts: 210
The variable naming convention you specified is just like on the 68Ks, it would be stupid if TI made the programming capabilities on ti nSpire even worse by limiting you to A-Z.

I think most of that has already somewhere or another, but just so you know, there is an isPrime() function for testing primeness.

Posted: 30 Dec 2007
14:11 GMT
Total Posts: 100
"Documents" are all there is, on the Nspire. It's a stupid calculator. They released it before including any sort of real programming capability. For serious work, I'd stick with the 84+SE keypad.

I hate to be a Nazi about it, but it's Nspire, not nSpire. TI themselves say it like this, and it's in the emulated 84+SE's About screen.

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