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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Cant find programs

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Posted: 8 Dec 2007
14:31 GMT
Total Posts: 1
I have a TI-84 plus calculator, but I'm unable to find the programs I have transfered to my calculator. I'm using TI-connect and it seems to work because when I got to memory I can find the programs some have a star next to them so I removed the star, but I cannot find them when I go to programs or applications to find them. Any help I would gladly appreciate. Thank you for reading.
Posted: 11 Dec 2007
04:19 GMT
Total Posts: 689
Starred programs are archived. If they are MirageOS compatible, leave them in archive, as Mirage can automatically unarchive them.

Also, when you are not immediately using a program, archive it. You must run a program when unarchived. While Mirage can get around this, regular programs cannot.

--- <------ WOOOOO!!!!!
Posted: 15 Jan 2008
08:43 GMT
Total Posts: 171
how are you sending them? the best way is to open your file in Windows explorer and dag and drop the prog onto the TI-Connect Desktop Icon.

<--- Going out with a bang.
Posted: 15 Jan 2008
17:16 GMT
Total Posts: 375
no, he needs mirageOS, the programs aren't showing up because they are automatically marked as hidden, download MirageOS and hte programs will show up in it, or u might need a differnet shell

me2, im pretty sure how he sends them doesn't matter since he says he can find the program in the memory of his calculator, he just can't find out how to run them

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