Benryves has managed to output PAL video from his TI-83+. For those of you who think America is the center of the universe, the rest of the world uses PAL instead of NTSC for analogue television encoding. Of course, since a 6MHz Zilog z80 CPU isn't exactly a "speed demon," the resolution Ben managed to achieve was 20x304 pixels. Certainly a worthwhile achievement nevertheless.
29 Nov 2007, 23:03 GMT
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well the rest of the world besides them. kind of like our "standard form" of measuring when everyone else uses metric. except i dont think anyone else uses standard. even those british who made it. blasphemous.
--- Iff Hydralisk has posted the above, the above is stupid.
Officially three nations have not officially adopted the International System of Units as their primary or sole system of measurement: Liberia, Myanmar and the United States. Thats over 350 million people.