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General Discussion Board \ Site \ better ebook menu needed

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Posted: 4 Apr 2004
18:36 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
i don't know if anyone's noticed this.... but there's only 1 link to ebooks, and it's only to the ti89 ones, even though there are other ebooks on the site which are only accessible through the stats pages.

so what we need are some ideas on how we can go about making all ebooks accessible through the menus. it should be simple and take only 1 link under the "projects" tab... it can even link to another static html page (which is what i think would be ideal)... but then again it can go straight to a list of all ebooks with their respective calculator model in parentheses to the left of it (like under "Popular Files" and "Recent Files".... which is another feature i'd like to add to the list views.... if "calc=all" i'm gonna make it so it does the "(83+)" stuff after that.

any comments/suggestions?

-Barrett A
Posted: 4 Apr 2004
19:09 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
make it more accesable. Add more links. What the heck, add one to the front page.

Posted: 4 Apr 2004
19:20 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
oh, good point here. so what do you guys say we should do? should i rather move ebooks to the misc section and make links to all calcs from 89-v200 and 68k? or just fix the link to show all ebooks instead?

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 4 Apr 2004
19:24 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
yes, they should go in misc.... but just have 1 link to a static html page, and on that page have links to all of them.

-Barrett A
Posted: 4 Apr 2004
22:01 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
well, i was sort of lazy, and there aren't THAT many e-books, so i made it so if "calc=all" or "calc=[nothing]" or there is no "calc=" in a list view URL it'll add the calculator in parentheses after the thing... so pretty much for everything under "Misc" it'll do that... it's not necessary for tankers and mario, but oh well, people can live with it.

-Barrett A
Posted: 5 Apr 2004
09:09 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
That should be okay. We don't have such a big list of ebooks anyway and besides, you can still use 92+ ebooks on 89. If we ever get more ebooks we can always add extra subsections.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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