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General Discussion Board \ Non-Calculator Related World \ George Bush's fate

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Posted: 21 Oct 2003
00:21 GMT
Total Posts: 146
I was looking in my Social Studies book and I noticed someting strange...

Every president that was elected on a year that ends in a zero died in office, except John Adams and Ronald Reagan. And John died a violent death, and Ronald is still in agony.

Then I noticed that George Bush was elected in 2000 this has a zero at the end!

This is really starting to creap me out!
Posted: 21 Oct 2003
00:35 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
"Post hoc" fallacy.
Posted: 21 Oct 2003
01:10 GMT
Total Posts: 958
Election of 1800 ended in the election of Jefferson, who did not die in office or violently (died on his plantation on July 4rth, and it is famous that both him and John Adams died within hours of each other). in 1820, James Monroe was re-elected, and he did not die a violent death (oddly enough, he also died on July 4rth, but peacefully and not in office). BTW, i'm quoting early American history because they are recent in my mind, just learned them.

Ronald Reagan is in agony, he's also old (92).
Posted: 21 Oct 2003
07:16 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Creepy. . . .
Posted: 26 Oct 2003
12:38 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Who likes George?

A) Hate Him
B) Like Him
C) Don't Care

I don't like him, I'm a republican, butr I still hate him, cause he isn't a good leader, and has nothing to say about anything except the war in IRaq . . .

Like, I mean, he didn't say anything about Terri, that lady who's in a coma, or anything about the Ten Commandments Statue in Alambama.

And his Aids Bill for like 4 billion to Africa is a bunch of crap.

[Edited by calculatorfreakCG on 26-Oct-03 21:39]
Posted: 26 Oct 2003
13:35 GMT
Total Posts: 623
And why should the President of the United States of American mention something about someone who's been in a coma? And why should he talk about something that's a state matter? The job of being President is one on a global level. Those are state local issues and therefore don't directly concern him. (Unless, of course, the person in the coma happened to be a terrorist or had information on a group of them.)

I think he's handled stuff pretty well, considering what he's had to deal with. Granted, he could've done some things better, but overall I'd say he's doing okay. I mean, he's human like the rest of us.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Posted: 26 Oct 2003
18:11 GMT
Total Posts: 958
I dont' think George Bush is a good president, and I think he's made a lot of mistakes, however, I don't *hate* him, maybe hate the job he's down as president though.

Although he has made lots of mistakes, I think not mentioning the lady Terri in coma was probably a good decision. The issue is more of a health/familiy problem, than a state or govenrmental problem. I thought that the Florida legislature intervening on her behalf was probably streching state jurisdiction. I can't say I would want her to die, but will she ever regain full consciousness? and if she doesn't, that's a lot of wasted money, is being such a burden on the people u know good?
Posted: 26 Oct 2003
18:19 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Well, yes, maybe, but isn't the president supposed to be, well, helping Americans, all he ever does is foreign affairs.

Okay, I don't hate him,in fact I respect that he took us into Iraq, that was the best thing he ever did-and he'll be remebered for it too.

But, everything else he's done, is a disaster. He far too liberal for me, I'm a conservative, but I support some Liberal views, but Bush needs a life.
Posted: 26 Oct 2003
18:49 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
I agree with Bullfrog's points. I think Bush did pretty good, at least he handles whatever he was doing. Its true, he never has anything to say and whenever he does say something, it usually sounds weird. I'm neutral in this political business and don't really care who's elected to where as long as the country runs well and everything is peaceful and secure.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 26 Oct 2003
19:59 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Yeah. Anyways, who do you want to be president?


"I'll be back"
Posted: 27 Oct 2003
11:15 GMT
Total Posts: 958
Well, unless the constitution is amended, Arnold can't be president.

I think Bush's major problem is the budget, which is around 450 billion, and he's still spending.

Unlike Calcfreak, I think Bush is a bet too conservative, and I don't think invading iraq was a good diea.
Posted: 27 Oct 2003
18:07 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
People don't understand many things as to why Irag was invaded (if that's an appropriate word actually). Though, any was demands a lot of money and it wasn't a particularly good time for that. I do however think what Bush did was right. I don't want to start any disputes about this though, that's just my opinion.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 27 Oct 2003
19:30 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Bush was right to invade Iraq, I loved him for that, but now, well, he's changed.

Anyways, was Arnold really born in Germany? I thought that he wasn't . . . . .
Posted: 27 Oct 2003
19:52 GMT
Total Posts: 958
I think i heard Arnold is Austrian.

I don't really see how Bush has changed. But why did we invade Iraq if we hadn't (and still haven't) finished off the original, prominent, and present threat of Al-Qaeda. Even if Hussein could be a danger 10 years in the future (since his missiles could barely even reach Israel and he didn't haev WMD). Al-Qaeda is a danger now and it has a wide reach, much wider than Hussein who was stuck in Iraq.
Posted: 27 Oct 2003
20:12 GMT
Total Posts: 623
It could be that since President Bush Sr. messed up when dealing with Saddam, Jr. decided he should fix it for good ol' dad. But that's mere speculation. I agreed with Bush's action on invading Iraq. I have read what happened to people under Saddam's regime, and I felt sick because of it. I was really glad when Iraq was invaded, even though some soldiers have died.

What's this world coming to...

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Posted: 1 Nov 2003
12:34 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Austrian? I never ealized he wasn't born here, cause everyone's been saying he should run for president, but I guess not anymore.

Know what i think? I think we should get our B-16 Bomers and Bomb all of Hussuien's Palaces!!!!!! (And other evil buildings!)
Posted: 1 Nov 2003
14:21 GMT
Total Posts: 20
Well, historically, nations are either growing in influence or they are shrinking, so it is my opinion that the United States should not give Iraq back to the iraqi's, but should annex it. And then we should start taking over the rest of the middle east, and start installing governers. Hey we spent the 1800's taking over the west and doubling America in size, we spent the early 1900's taking over islands in the pacific, now it's time for the middle east.

And if they want to cut down on these terrorist attacks in Iraq, they should get more brutal with the terrorists they capture. Instead of sending them to a base in sunny Guantanamo Cuba, they should send them to the gallows in a very public way, or put them in a football stadium and set lions free on them or something.

Also, since the economy has practically returned to normal, I think Bush has a strong chance at reelection.
Posted: 1 Nov 2003
14:57 GMT
Total Posts: 623
Hmm... Now you're talking haysgames. Just one itsy, bitsy problem. You're starting to sound like the Romans a few years before they were totally destroyed. Care to see if history will repeat itself? I for one don't.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Posted: 1 Nov 2003
15:04 GMT
Total Posts: 958
Actually, there another influence, unchanging influence. But seriously, it's like "historically, populations are either growing or shrinking," there ISN'T MUCH A NATION'S INFLUENCE CAN DO BESIDES GROW OR SHRINK. It's not like a nation's influence will suddenly warp, become a black hole or something. America does seem to be a nation in decline though.

"hey we spent the 1800's taking over the it's time for the middle east." We also spent thousands of years as cavemen, why don't we return to that? How about hundreds of years of feudal warfare and serfdom? I don't think history serves as good justification for future actions, especially because humans should learn from their past errors (although I don't believe this has happened). As the United States History book notes, America is a nearly unique creation in history, being a huge landmass of relatively lightly inhabitated, fertile land that has led to the creation of a unique nation that has affected the world.

Calcfreak, why B-16? "The B-16 was a 1935 bomber project for a long-range bomber, with twin tail booms and six Allison V-1710 engines, four tractor engines and two pushers." It was never put into full production. more like B-2 Bombers, but bombing Hussein's palaces now is very pointless, it's just destroying valuable buildings for the sake of it (and some have already been bombed I think). Can you define an evil building? Is a corrupt company's headquarters evil? Innocent people can be inside "evil buildings." Most modern day organizations that fit under "evil" don't have centralized headquarters.

Although merciless killings of terrorist would leave us with fewer terrorist on our hands, it would provoke many people who aren't rebelling against the United States, and confirm its evil. Haysgames, you make Guantanamo Bay's military prison sound like a vacation spot. How about human rights violation? If we set lions on terrorist, we would be doing what the Pagan Romans did to Christians around 2000 years ago, except now American which is mostly Christian is the Roman. It even sounds odd when I right it. While we're breaking the Geneva Convention, I suppose we might as well just nuke the rest of the world.
Posted: 1 Nov 2003
15:11 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Well, at least bomb them with a plane, instead of wasting valuable foot soilders.

Anyways, it's the Muslim's fault. All they want to do is kill anyone is isn't their religion. Every heard of a muslim country that is at peace? Like, Israel will never have peace till we gte rid of the muslims, cause ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGON OF PEACE!! Like the media will tell you.
Posted: 1 Nov 2003
20:42 GMT
Total Posts: 958
U listen to what the media tell you?? *shudder*

Bombs need targets, it's rather hard to kill individual people without hurting others. Not to mention the difficultly of finding some of these people (e.g. let's bomb Osama and Hussein right now...oops, we don't know where they are, that's a problem)

If America (which is mostly Christian) goes and wipes out all the muslims, CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE EITHER!! Not to mention lots of the peaceful muslims.

Christians attacked Muslims first (Crusades), some other religious wars...30 years war, War of the 3 Henrys, Netherlands revolt, Eng vs. Spain (all the last ones are Catholics vs. Protestant), is Christianity a religion of peace either?
Posted: 1 Nov 2003
22:04 GMT
Total Posts: 623
Ever heard of media bias? All we hear about from Iraq is all the killing that's going on. But from what I've heard, 85% or so of the stuff happening in Iraq is good. The media focuses on whatever will give them ratings. In this case, the terrorists, killings, bombings, etc.

How do you know that Islam is not a religion of peace? Are you muslim? Have you studied it? Do you have a doctorate in religion? Religions are not what's violent, it's the people dedicated to those religions that are violent.

[Edited by BullFrog on 02-Nov-03 07:05]

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Posted: 2 Nov 2003
01:06 GMT
Total Posts: 958
yay for bullfrog for agreeing with me! Talking politics and views is interesting. I feel that some people are speaking too myopically and simplistically about the topic.

[Edited by spiral on 02-Nov-03 10:10]
Posted: 2 Nov 2003
11:20 GMT
Total Posts: 739
I hate the media and the muslims.
Posted: 2 Nov 2003
12:20 GMT
Total Posts: 260
"Well, yes, maybe, but isn't the president supposed to be, well, helping Americans, all he ever does is foreign affairs."
It is true that a role of the president of the United States is to be the Chief Citizen, and be seen as the common man. However, Presidents can't simply focus on only domestic affairs. Many presidents have made that mistake. Yes,. domestic federal affairs are inportant to the president, but also are foreign affairs. He must be very careful when dealing with the global community, because the world's view is generally negative on him. Also, for that reason, and that he's losing his popular mandate, he must stop making stupid mistakes. Stupid mistakes in my book include Giving away all the money to Africa to "stop Aids." I'm all for a cure, but unless all that money is going towards a sophisticated laboratory examining the case, or buying a lot of condoms, and making it law in Africa to use those condoms, that money isn't doing didly squat to stop Aids in Africa. Alos, when he gave the money to Mexico in our recession that was a mistake. Our economy is regaining itself nicely though. I seriously commend him on this. Another stupid mistake is the current stuff he's been doing dealing with homosexuality. Wanting to make a bill to define marriage as between a man and a woman doesn't seem like a good thing for him to do.I think he should leave this to local state governments to deal with, and as the President move onto more important matters.

Overall I support him, but he's doing some goofy things...
Posted: 2 Nov 2003
12:34 GMT
Total Posts: 958
Uh...calcfreak, so are you racist, or just posting flame bait?

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