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General Discussion Board \ Non-Calculator Related World \ INTERNET PIRACY

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Posted: 12 Feb 2004
21:52 GMT
Total Posts: 3
Some people i know got busted by the ESA for internet piracy, lets face it, we're mostly computer internet geeks on these forums, so i thought i'd warn you guys to stop pirating ASAP. The only thing i had to purge from my box0r were closed source TI-programs OH NOS!

Here is a list of software companies on the HOTLIST, these are tracked the most:

tellin' you guys, it was probably fun at first but when they start litigations at 100 thousand a per program, that's a world of hurt. 100 G's, that's 714 TI-89 SE's or 2000 times what you'd pay for that program to begin with... 400000 slim jims... over a million tootsie rolls...

In related news, Microsoft's WIN NT/2000 software got leaked. ... ... ... not a good day for computer nerds like us... i would advise that computer scientists don't even SEARCH for the source, it will damage your credibility. I just hope that the released source is fake, that way none of the problems that could happen explodes into internet owies. (remember blaster? think blaster with full access from source code).

yar, lets see em try to take away our math machines! omg, we have a BASIC version of PONG!

this is going too far... just wanted to warn you guys.

May God bl3ss 0ur b0xX3n.
(the writing was in 1337, i usually never write in that stuff... but i just wanted to make sure that everyone here understood)
Posted: 13 Feb 2004
16:36 GMT
Total Posts: 958
You don't need to purge closed source ti-programs, wat the heck are you talking about?? If you just leave them on your hard drive no harm can come about from it.

btw, i'm curious what p2p software the people u know were caught using?

btw, even though it's suppose to be liek 100k per program (or w/e) and liek 10k per song, usually companies and pirates will settle for far less, dl'ing is unlikely to get you in trouble, uploading is much more precarious though.
Posted: 13 Feb 2004
16:43 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
the crime they are prosecuting is ONLY making copyrighted material AVAILABLE to other people without consent from the owner.

they can't do anything to you for OBTAINING it for free - well, at most they can make you pay for it(but chances are they won't). but making it AVAILABLE to others is much more serious a crime and that's what people are getting screwed for.

-Barrett A
Posted: 13 Feb 2004
19:27 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
Stiff is right though:
If you're caught downloading MS source code or searching for it. Or if you've been found out downloading priated programs, you can be blacklisted on computer certifications.

Hey: I just happoned to look on my profile, and I have 512 posts, why is that signifitant, you may ask? Because thats my lucky number, 5-12, my birthday.

[Edited by allynfolksjr on 14-Feb-04 04:28]
Posted: 13 Feb 2004
19:53 GMT
Total Posts: 3
yeah, files that are coded for ti should be completely fine, i was making a satirical comment on the growing enforcement of copyright laws. Yeah, like Spiral said, they probably won't sue you for 100k per program, but still, i wouldn't want to be fined 20bucks for it...blacklisting and all. The p2p that he was using was called eDonkey. Yeah, most people think that uploading the program is what's illegal, turns out, share or not, the program still logs what you have on your computer. It's like drugs, doesn't matter if you're not using it, if you're in possession of something that doesn't belong or is illegal, you're going to pay if you get caught.
Copyright infringement is kinda like sex in a way... if you play the game you must also take the risks that come with it. anyway, be smart, the ESA is watching. ... ... i can't believe i said that.
Posted: 13 Feb 2004
23:47 GMT
Total Posts: 958
I barely download these days, I buy quite a bit of stuff, or if I don't buy it, my friends and I will exchange it among ourselves.
Posted: 14 Feb 2004
15:09 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
the 100k you're talking about is the max they can sue you for. although they may not go that high, i'm sure they'll relieve you of 5-10k and it more than enough. i already have most of the soft i need and actually do make use of demos. plus, some soft comes free with computer parts, which is kinda nice. i got lots of games and dvd tools when i was building my current computer. most programs also got a lot cheaper in price and are generally more affordable. i got the macromedia studio mx for only $200 and photoshop 6 for about 200-300 two years ago (ps7 sucks btw). i think devs should make better demos then people will see the full potential of the product and will be more reluctant to buy it. lack of demos is what i think makes people pirate music so much. really, look how many crap albums come out now and how'd you know its crap before you buy it? obviously, if there were music demos, people would not buy the cds (would that decrease piracy?). in general, i think if you're really using some software or really like the game or cd then you should support its maker and buy the full/real version of it. i like having real versions of games and music because you then have a colorful booklet, nice cd and a box. it'll make you value it more than a white cdr.
okay, i'm done here. i have my views about all this but i'm not going to lay them out here. to decrease piracy, devs MUST make high quality demos or else peole will go looking for a full copy of it on some p2p network.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 14 Feb 2004
18:36 GMT
Total Posts: 958
Flash MX is ridiculously expensive for personal use, and it's ridiculously easy to pirate, not a good combination. I agree with you Z, buying makes you value it, albums i dl may or may not be listened to, but i'll (almost, there's a few I haven't bothered with yet) always listen to the albums i bought. I'll only buy albums from an artist i've heard before and like though, so that means dl first, buy 2nd.
Posted: 14 Feb 2004
18:46 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
i bought cute ftp(and about 5 other cute programs i've never heard of) yesterday for $40.

if i had never cracked it on my old computer, i would not have purchased it for my new computer (for some reason NONE of the cracks work)

-Barrett A
Posted: 14 Feb 2004
23:30 GMT
Total Posts: 958
For FTP i use FTP Surfer, which is nice and free, and semi-reliable (sometimes bugs up a lot on my firewall even when port forwarding shoudl be working... sometimes goes perfectly...)
Posted: 18 Feb 2004
15:24 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
same here for cracked progs and ones i like i bought (others uhm...went to the trash can). though, we shouldn't be talking about this kind of stuff here.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 19 Feb 2004
12:48 GMT
Total Posts: 260
Just to add in, that released source code is legitimate. It's not windows 2000's complete sourcecode - that would be like an estimated 40GB! Anyways, it's all of Service Pack 1's source for Window's 2000.

It's much much more bad than good, that it was released. Why? Because people can search for exploits and seriously cause harm to some PCs. And if certain people get a hold of the code, certain comercial possibilities could arise. However, I don't think any complany would dare it (rightfully so).

And I didn't know that eDonkey2000 logged.... hmmm
Posted: 19 Feb 2004
14:29 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
It wasn't released, it was leaked, aka put into public hands illegaly.
Posted: 19 Feb 2004
20:13 GMT
Total Posts: 260
Thanks for clerifying the obvious. That's what I meant. Reguardless, it WAS released.

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