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General Discussion Board \ Non-Calculator Related World \ mothers and computers don't mix

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Posted: 12 Sep 2004
15:08 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
ok, my mom isn't exactly computer literate... quite the opposite.. so she got a computer while i was at BYU during the summer, then i got home and helped her get the wifi working with it... then right before i left again she had a problem and didn't know what to do. turns out the wireless was switched off (in her case, a blue light on the front of the computer was turned off) so i turned it on... now i'm here and last week she e-mailed me cause her internet stopped working again.. so i e-mailed her back saying that i can't help her over the phone, it just won't work cause you're not smart enough and you need to find someone else to help you with your computer stuff anyways, but i'll give you one possible solution: press the button that turns the blue light on on the front of your computer".... so she responds "I'm sorry I bothered you"... then last night my dad called me to get me to call my home to help them... so i called my sister and it turns out that the blue light wasn't on and now it's working.

-Barrett A
Posted: 12 Sep 2004
17:57 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
hehe, kinda like when I FORCED my mom to switch from IE. I literaly had to remove their accounts access to MSIE for them to use opera. And now they're switched, I'm never going to do that again.

Our computer would be a goner about 2 years ago without me. :-)

But mom's, and sisters, for that matter, arn't very computer literate.
Posted: 12 Sep 2004
18:07 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Why would you go thru all that to switch to Opera? IE actually does offer more features that opera and if its speed/security related then Firefox is the best choice. Not to start a war but I feel its really lame to be paying $40 for a web browser for god's sake... Especially with all that free crop avaialalbe over the inet. Well, it does sound funny to see you going thru such paing to get your mom to use another browser. And for B I have no comment just yaykes!

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 12 Sep 2004
18:28 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
Nah, I just like opera's layout, and I haven't paid for it yet...I have the add supported version. (think cheap), but students only have to pay 20 bucks for it, when version 8 is released, I'm gonna buy it.

Hm, I wonder if I switch the active parition to linux if my family would notice. :-)
Posted: 13 Sep 2004
06:37 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Well, as long as you install all needed stuff yourself they probably wouldn't care. I kinda like Linux and the only pain in the butt was to install the thing. Everyhing seems to go quite well and steady after the painfull installation. Though, windows seems to do a better job autodetecting a network connection than Linux (btw, I'm using Slackware distrib.) Still, a very nice, stable and *pretty* looking OS.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 13 Sep 2004
16:26 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
alright Z, i've been meaning to ask you this for a few years now... and it's a very important question... when you read "Z" (your name) do you pronounce it in your head "zee" or "zed"?

-Barrett A

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