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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ TI 83+ Installing Calculator Software/USB Error!

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Posted: 12 Jan 2004
02:02 GMT
Total Posts: 1
Please help me, I've just gotten a new TI-83 Plus calculator and had downloaded some apps and stuff to put on it. I installed the TI Connect program onto my XP machine, and tried installing the TI83PlusOS116.8x file - as I only had version 1.15 on.

I set my settings rite

Device - TI 83 Plus
Cable Type - USB cable (the silverlink fingy)

My problem came when I started downloading the OS onto my calculator. It sat on 0% for a little while, and then the computer's percentage started going up, and my calculators didnt, it just sat on 0%.

Then a msg came up on the screen saying it couldn't find the device or somefing like dat, and the calculator had said

Press any key to turn unit off
Then turn unit back on."

So I 'unplugged' the USB ( I admite I hadn't read the readme's that told me to not do this) and tried the process again...

Now everytime that I turn on the calculator, it comes up with


Please install calculator
software now.

So I begin the program up again to download the OS but it still says that it won't work.

HELP ME - I have tried removing the batteries, and I don't know if or how to reset the RAM. I'm running on XP and am using version or TI Connect. Please Help!
Posted: 12 Jan 2004
06:30 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Next time examine what the person is asking more carefully.

[Edited by spiral on 13-Jan-04 05:53]
Posted: 12 Jan 2004
15:16 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
calcfreak, he was downloading a TI-OS to the calc and not a game. it doesn't look like you actually read his post :).

alright retryjunkie, what happened is that TI-OS got corrupted on its was to your calc and that waiting message means that your calc still expects the OS transmission. go ahead and connect it to your computer and try sending the OS again like you did the first time. make sure link is attached firmly and calc batteries are not low. OS installation will take around 30-40 minutes.
as far as percentage goes, disregard the calc number since it sometimes lags begind. just DON'T power off the calc or disconnect the link cable until your computer shows 100%.
if you OS download fails again, try once more. post back if you still have problems afterwards.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Ray Kremer
Posted: 12 Jan 2004
16:42 GMT
Total Posts: 310
Make sure you have the latest version of TI Connect from TI's website and use the OS Downloader. New batteries are recommended.

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