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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ what do L1 L2 L3 etc. mean?

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Posted: 12 Jan 2004
22:58 GMT
Total Posts: 4
Hey, i went into the memory on my calc and there was catergory caled "list" and I opened it and it had a list of things called L1 L2 L3 all the way to L6 what does it mean?
Posted: 13 Jan 2004
06:16 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
It means you have six lists, named from l1 to l6 (the calc should not support caps).
Posted: 13 Jan 2004
12:07 GMT
Total Posts: 170
Isn't it the other way around? Calcs support all uppercase and don't support lowercase unless you have MirageOS, OmniCalc, or some other lowercase enabler.
Posted: 13 Jan 2004
13:36 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Kate-words of advice:

don't delete 'em, you need 'em later for graphing points.
Posted: 13 Jan 2004
13:54 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
yeah D, its the other way around with lists. most calc only support caps, some support lower case too.
L1-L6 are default lists that are on your calc and can be easily recalled with already defined keys. other lists can be named but you'll have to find then in the gui or run a command to see/use them. these lists don't really take up much room, so don't bother deleting them. also, like someone mentioned above these lists will make it easier for you to graph since they can be recalled by one key.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Ray Kremer
Posted: 14 Jan 2004
20:08 GMT
Total Posts: 310
>these lists don't really take up much room, so don't bother
>deleting them.

You couldn't if you wanted to. The variable names on the 83 are hardcoded into the OS. The best you can do is clear out the values in them to save RAM.
Posted: 15 Jan 2004
11:35 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
Well, on the 68k Platforms the names are stored in lowercase but just displayed (under certain circumstances) as uppercase so unless your talking about z80 specifics, your wrong, sorry.
Posted: 15 Jan 2004
14:29 GMT
Total Posts: 623
I believe he is talking about the 83...

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