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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ does archiving use ram

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Posted: 11 Feb 2004
19:28 GMT
Total Posts: 192
I am talking about TI-89 but it may apply to other calc's. I would think that if you had everything archived then you would use no ram but I don't think that this is the case can someone please explain?
Posted: 11 Feb 2004
19:36 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
no, archive memory is different from ram. when you move things to archive you free up ram and use archive memory space. you can see how much meory you have by pressing [2nd] and then mem. when you archive everything you'll free up all ram which you'll need to run games/progs (as a temp space).

(btw, put the calc you own into your profile info so you don't have to mention it every time you ask questions)

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 11 Feb 2004
20:13 GMT
Total Posts: 192
I know that the flash is diffrent from the ram but is there some ram used to remember that somthing is there. also I can't seem to edit my profile for some weird reison
Posted: 11 Feb 2004
20:37 GMT
Total Posts: 958
RAM doesn't have to remember that soemthing is in the flash, because the OS can access the flash and tell tha tsome thign is there.

However, parts of the operating system is loaded into the RAM, which decreases the amount you can use. Also, if you have no ram, you probably will have trouble garbage collecting.

about your profile, you might be forgetting to click on save, the most common error i'd guess.
Posted: 12 Feb 2004
09:17 GMT
Total Posts: 623
However, parts of the operating system is loaded into the RAM, which decreases the amount you can use.

I didn't exactly follow that there... Whenever I have a clean calc, with the entire memory reset and empty, I have full RAM and Archive free. But when I put stuff on the calculator (in the archive) the RAM decreases.

So what exactly is the OS loading to the RAM?

[Edited by BullFrog on 12-Feb-04 18:18]

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

Posted: 12 Feb 2004
11:48 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
The total RAM in the 68k calcs is 256KB. The Different parts of the OS like the grapher, text editor, program editor, etc. are just FLASH Apps that are 'hard-wired' to the OS. It sucks that you can't remove them for more RAM. As you know a Flash App uses RAM to save stuff and stay active, thats why there is not 256KB of RAM free for the calcs.

Back to the original question. There is no RAM used when a file is archived. There are two types of physical memory for the 68k calcs (89, 92, 92+, V200), RAM and FLASH ROM. The Flash ROM is divided into two sections, protected and non-protected (aka, user accessable). The 'archive' is the non-protected portion of the Flash ROM. When a file is archive, it is moved to the FLASH ROM and the archive bit in the VAT entry is set to 1. Now, for keeping track of variables the calculator uses what is called a VAT, or Variable Allocation Table. Here all the properties of every variable, system and user, are stored. There are flags or markers in the VAT entry for the variable that list its properties (there are 16 but I don't remember them right now), one of which is entitled archive. Here, if the file that the VAT entry points too (thats not technically right, but I'll spare some details) is in the RAM the bit that 'archive' points too is set to 0. Once the file is put into the archive memory the bit is set to 1. There is no extra RAM taken up when the file is moved to the archive memory. I don't know if the VAT is in the RAM or Flash ROM, but its size is static as far as I've seen over the years of using my 89.

Any more questions?
Posted: 12 Feb 2004
11:48 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
Was that too verbose?
Posted: 12 Feb 2004
13:08 GMT
Total Posts: 122
It's similar on the 83/+/SE. The VAT contains a list of all programs. When you have lots of programs, you'll notice that you have less RAM and your calc runs more slowly. So yes, having many programs in archive does take up RAM, but not much unless you have many (over a hundred) programs.
Posted: 12 Feb 2004
13:36 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
THe situatio nyour talking about is when there are a lot of programs. Just like a VAT entry, a handle is also reserved for each file. When the number of hadles gets low, the calculator gets slower. I used to pull a few pranks that did just that. I'm don't know much about hte specifics of handles. So I don't know if they occupy more RAM or not when they are reserved.
Posted: 13 Feb 2004
19:57 GMT
Total Posts: 192
I guess that that mostly covers the question. thanks
Posted: 13 Feb 2004
20:14 GMT
Total Posts: 623
Yes, that covered it quite well in my opinion. Thanks for the help.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Posted: 14 Feb 2004
15:21 GMT
Total Posts: 1
:nod_a: :lookaround_a: :lol_a: :fail: :eek: :older: :old: :worship_a: :worship_a: :img09: :img08:
Posted: 14 Feb 2004
15:24 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
uh, was that completly nessecary?
Posted: 14 Feb 2004
15:39 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Simple answer:

Yes, Archiving takes up less ram, but does not take up "no ram". Unfortunatly. Btw, IO usually have to edit my profile about 10 tries before it works. No kidding.

[Edited by calculatorfreakCG on 15-Feb-04 00:39]

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