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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Calc Movies

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Posted: 22 Feb 2004
11:57 GMT
Total Posts: 134
I have downloaded a lot of games in the past year and I amazed at some of the things a BASIC program can do. Some games have huge movies on them that I can just sit and watch. How is it possible to make movies? I thought it had something to do with recalling pics and such, but 10 pics wouldn't be enough for a movie. Besides, that would take up and enormous amount of room. Does anyone have any info?
Posted: 22 Feb 2004
13:11 GMT
Total Posts: 958
Most of the movies in basic are more a clever combination of Basic drawing tricks with pictures. Some programs have the ability to store more than 9 pictures. Then they draw a little on it and make it appear to be animated.

Another way is through ASM. The only program I can think of is TIMM for the 89.

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