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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ TI-84-SE compatibility?

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Posted: 28 Sep 2004
21:43 GMT
Total Posts: 2
Ya... Just got this calc to keep me busy and I can't
get shit but BASIC. I want pheonix damnit! :)
When I get somthing like Pheonix, or Mirage it says
like 90% of the files are incompatible. wtf is up with
that? BASIC sux! save me!

lol! s.h.i.t=waste

[Edited by Veris on 29-Sep-04 06:45]
Posted: 29 Sep 2004
18:31 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Techically, nearly all 83+/SE programs should be compatible with the 84 series. All basic progs should work and most assembly should too. Did you unzip the .8xp, .8xg or .8xk files before sending them to your calc? Oh basic does suck for games in general, but there is a use for it. Sometimes...

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 29 Sep 2004
19:52 GMT
Total Posts: 2
Yup... unzipped it n' everything.
Used TI connect too btw.
gif, z80 , asm, inc, and bat files
won't transfer :/
Posted: 29 Sep 2004
19:57 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
You don't need to transfer all files. asm, z80, inc are the source code for the programs you've downloaded. You only need and can transfer files that have extensions as follows:
.8xp - programs
.8xg - file group
.8xk - flash app
(.8xu is the operating system upgrade)
You only need to transfer files with any of three extensions listed above. These are the actual files your calc can run. Any other files in the zip are the source and documentation stuff which won't go onto your calc.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 30 Sep 2004
03:51 GMT
Total Posts: 32
Basic is really good when you are driving to school and you just remembered you have a math test that day, so you write programs to "help" you out during the test. **When i say drive, i mean you are being driven by somebody other than yourself. It would really suck if you tried to make a program when you were driving.**
Posted: 30 Sep 2004
19:23 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
lol I certainly hope no one will try to program while driving. I have seen women applying makeup while driving and some dudes drinking cofee AND reading newspaper while driving. That IS seriously scary and you'd never want to notice that a car next to you has such a driver. Oh and while it may sound funny, you won't be amused when you actually whitness something like that yourself.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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