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Xero Xcape
Posted: 1 Feb 2005
06:50 GMT
Total Posts: 29
How many pixels ?x? is a orignal gameboy screen...
I might aquire the rights to a old gameboy game and I want to emulate it for the 89TE i already have the software... (don't ask)

BASIC flames are for n00bs, you don't want to be a n00b do you? | My other calc is a Porsche.
Posted: 1 Feb 2005
09:02 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
It's 160x144 pixels which in other words is bigger than 89's screen. Fitting the game from GB to 89 would require you doing something with the HUD or status bars in order to fit it. Though, all gfx is already of the correct scale and are 4 color gray so you basically have to rip the gfx and write the code and there you go. Emulating a GB on 89 will be somewhat impossible. GB sports are 4MHz z80 proc and while you may be able to emulate it, chances are it will be too slow. Though, it would be really cool if you can emulate it.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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