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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ driver install problems

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Posted: 2 Feb 2005
17:35 GMT
Total Posts: 4
I'm trying to install this driver.

I need to use it with TILP to make my life so much easier. However, when I go to update the driver, it asks me for a SilvrLnk.sys file. There is one in the ti program files directory, but when I clicked ok nothing happened. The same think happened with one in the windows/system32 directory. Please Help!<a

[Edited by kejman on 03-Feb-05 02:49]
Posted: 2 Feb 2005
20:47 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Umm, don't know what to tell you. I did have difficulties with TiLP on windoze as well but don't quite remember if I got it to work or not. Have you tried googling for that file btw? I'll try to run the prog again if I have spare time in the next few days. Please post back if you get it to work.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 3 Feb 2005
13:44 GMT
Total Posts: 4
I googled it and nothing came up. It's weird, I have two of them on my computer, but it won't accept them.

Actually, now I remember why I needed that in the first place. All I need is a rom image so I can use virtual ti. Is there any other way to get a rom image on my 83+ SE USB SilverLink? Or is there another emulator I can use?

[Edited by kejman on 03-Feb-05 23:26]
Posted: 3 Feb 2005
16:08 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
Yes, you could try the Flash Debugger, made by TI. Get it here.

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