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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Making paralell link

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Posted: 4 Feb 2005
19:43 GMT
Total Posts: 465
I am about to make a paralell link, and I want to know a few things from people who have them. Fisrt of all, how slow would you say the tranfer is compared to the usb link? Next, what are the chances of messing up? You may be wondering why I am actually making a paralell (homemade) link. It actually does a few advantages, I only mean, like, 2 advantages. First of all, I will be able to put stuff on my friend's 82. Secondly, I will be able to get a ROM image. Plus, it will just be cool to know that I actually have one... And finally it is cheaper than the graph link. But I DO kind of have a problem, I only one of my 3 computers actually has a 25 pin COM port (how lame).
Posted: 4 Feb 2005
21:04 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Why bother when you can just buy one from TI for like $15-20? Besides, a self made link will not work with neither TI-Connect nor TI-Graph Link so you'll have to take chances with some user made linkers like TiLP or other ones. You may also just want to get a USB link since its easier to use, how swappable and gives you much faster file transfers than serial link.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 5 Feb 2005
06:14 GMT
Total Posts: 465
I already have a usb silverlink and a usb direct link. I am making this for the sole purpose of getting a ROM image.
Posted: 5 Feb 2005
09:02 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Oic! That should be pretty easy. One trip to Radio Shack and a soldering iron should let you produce a decent cable. If you need plans and part lists then make sure to check out this link:

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Ray Kremer
Posted: 7 Feb 2005
10:11 GMT
Total Posts: 310
Don't people use TiLP to get ROM images these days? You should be able to use TI's cables for that.

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