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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Problems w/ downloading apps/progs

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Posted: 28 Feb 2005
18:07 GMT
Total Posts: 4
Hey everyone,

I have a very irritating problem:img06:.... Everytime i try to put a program or application to my TI-83+ SE, there is always an error message saying, "THis file does not have a program associatied with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel."

IF anyone has any ideas on how to help me put any apps on my calc plz reply soooon...

I have a boring student teacher and i want to play games during class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 28 Feb 2005
20:41 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
Go here and return if that doesn't solve your problem. Next time please specify your calculator model, connection cable type (serial, graph-link, silver USB, or black), and software you are using to upload games to your calc.
Posted: 28 Feb 2005
22:22 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Umm, sounds like you don't have TI-Connect installed. If that's the case, then grab a copy of it from here: Install it and then you can use the link provided in a post above to help guide you thru other installations and sending files. Feel free to post back if you get stuck or for whatever other reasons.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 1 Mar 2005
08:57 GMT
Total Posts: 4
thank you all for replying.

to lunchbox i have a ti 83+ SE, my connncection cable is a silver USB, and my software is ti connect. If you have any suggestions please tell me.

zkostik i have TI connect installed but the problem is i can upload some programs on my calc but i cannot upload some other.

Is there some specific kind of application to send to TI Connect. Do the last 3 letters of the program matter: .8xp or some other domain name.

Any suggestions?
Ray Kremer
Posted: 1 Mar 2005
09:23 GMT
Total Posts: 310
Yes, only calculator files can be sent to the calculator, and you can recognize them by the file extension. Double-clicking on the files in Windows Explorer isn't really the right idea, what you do instead is drag and drop them into the TI Connect DeviceExplorer window.
Posted: 1 Mar 2005
17:44 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
Has to be .8x*, where * is any single character. p for programs, k for flash apps, g for groups, i for images (pictures), and so forth.

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