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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ For those who are anti-Omnicalc

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Posted: 11 Mar 2005
15:15 GMT
Total Posts: 1390
Due to the trememdous amount of "anti-omnicalc" flames in the TI-Community, I have been prompted to replace my website frontpage with this:
Feel free to copy this page and put it as your front page if you want that flame war to stop but don't forget to edit it so it redirect to your website main page instead of mine :)

--- - The most active TI calculator programming team around and a massive RPG selection
Posted: 11 Mar 2005
17:34 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
For the record, I never did see why people were so opposed to omnicalc, if you didn't like it, you didn't have to use it. It's that simple, complaining about other programs that are works in progress is extremely immature. Good job with the page, I hope it works.
Posted: 11 Mar 2005
21:41 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
There will always be people like that. Just think of all these ATI and nVidia fanboys and all the console wars and that sort of thing. If I don't like something, I don't use it and could care less what others have to say about it. Though, I rarely go into conversations with flamers as I have better use for my time.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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