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Posted: 25 Apr 2005
13:28 GMT
Total Posts: 507
as im sure many of you know, floppy disks can have some brutal consequences on your computer. i inserted the disk i got with my optical mouse, and ended up with a fried computer. i had to reformat my hard drive, and have lost all of my files. all that i ask is that anyone who has sent me a file in the past, please (when convenient, or if possible) email me another copy. ( Also, anyone who has received files from me that are not on this site, could you please send me a copy? I have my hands full with downloading everything i need, and i really dont want to rewrite a bunch of README files...

thanks for reading this, and if you can help, please do :)
Posted: 25 Apr 2005
15:17 GMT
Total Posts: 939 I would have some (not so kind) words with the manufacturer.
Posted: 25 Apr 2005
16:48 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
Yeah, if a floppy disk can scr3w your hard drive over that badly, either a) you need to flame the hard drive company for making such a crappy product or b) you need to flame the floppy company for making such a wacked-out diskette.
Posted: 25 Apr 2005
18:21 GMT
Total Posts: 214
Well...personally I think you shouldn't be using floppy's. ;). Lol. Our school has a cd burner installed in every computer, so I just bring a CD-RW disc and burn it...but ok, i'll send you your Basic Phoenix back to you...and I have all your old stuff. Pocket, all that good stuff.
Posted: 25 Apr 2005
19:28 GMT
Total Posts: 939
...they seriously shouldn't have CD burners in every computer, or at least have the security settings so that students can't use them... Especially if they have really fast Internet access. They're asking to be sued.
Posted: 26 Apr 2005
14:50 GMT
Total Posts: 507
It wasnt the disk its self, it was the software on the disk... it was supposed to install a program to let my customize what each button on the mouse did, but when it got to the part where it said "Adding file types to Registry", it gave me my fatal system error and BAM! (thank god i have a recovery partition, it automatically let me do a reformat/windows reinstall...
Posted: 26 Apr 2005
15:31 GMT
Total Posts: 939
That still shouldn't have happened. What kind of mouse is it?
Posted: 26 Apr 2005
17:03 GMT
Total Posts: 507
It is an "Impression" brand optical mouse... the disk has a label on it (printed, not hand written) that says IwheelWorks
1-wheel 3-button...i paid $12.99 for the mouse at a small comp store "heelbilly PC"... probably shoulda been alerted by the name of the store :)
Posted: 30 Apr 2005
21:14 GMT
Total Posts: 3
Man that does suck, good thing you did have a recovery partition, i bet that saved a lot of time.
Posted: 1 May 2005
12:47 GMT
Total Posts: 507
heh... only for reinstalling windows... other than that, completely useless waste of 5gig... thats plenty of music :)
Posted: 1 May 2005
13:01 GMT
Total Posts: 939
BACKUPS! :) I do a full backup every Sunday night...
Posted: 1 May 2005
19:21 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Well, I'm a computer tech and repair all kinds of crappy problems but yes, I've seen floppy drives waste motherboards and other things. Anything that you connect to your comp can potentially waste it... I've had people whose usb deviced fried their mobo and other crazy stuff. Sorry to hear that tho.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 2 May 2005
13:18 GMT
Total Posts: 507
thanks... i still need to write that nasty letter... i think i will do it on paper and email, with backups of both... if i dont hear back, i will keep trying :)
TI Freak
Posted: 2 May 2005
13:23 GMT
Total Posts:

hmm, I got my laptop online for a total of 5 minutes before it got fried. lol, not really the same thing, but oh well. :)

Posted: 4 May 2005
13:14 GMT
Total Posts: 507
heh... close enough, but without the data loss...

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