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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ The new Omnimaga website

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Posted: 16 May 2005
13:43 GMT
Total Posts: 1390
Omnimaga has switched to a web portal at Invisionfree. This will allow me to add new files, projects, website links, news articles and more stuff easily, without having to edit the source code everytime. I decided to do this due to the fact I will probably get a new job soon and I will probably not be able to split my time between real life, programming and website management. So far the projects section is complete, I added a new game I am working on with a member of the forum and I deleted some dead projects, the about section is complete, I added a guestbook and you can now post comments on news articles. The only remaining thing to do is to backup all the website links, games and programs on this new portal (all images, zip files, old website versions and miscellanous files will remain on earthforge server). I don't know yet if I will backup all the old news articles though, as they are avaliable on the old version of the website.

You can get to the website at the same URL than before: http://omnimaga.earthforge.comFeel free to register on the new website and post comments on the projects/news articles and reviews the games/programs in the archives! :)

--- - The most active TI calculator programming team around and a massive RPG selection
Posted: 16 May 2005
14:50 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
Ohh, as I mentioned before, that logo looks very nice. :-)
Posted: 16 May 2005
21:51 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Cool! Nice logo, though tweaking the contrast on calc pics would make them look nicer. Just a thought...

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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