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Posted: 23 May 2005
13:40 GMT
Total Posts: 9
When i try to transfer to my calc it works for a couple of seconds and then an error comes up.

what am i doing wrong?
Posted: 23 May 2005
13:44 GMT
Total Posts: 507
more details please...

there a number of things that could be going wrong, and VTI is the problem i have most often... try rebooting...
TI Freak
Posted: 23 May 2005
13:45 GMT
Total Posts:

When posting problems, please include the following:

link cable
actual error message

This will help us help you...
Posted: 23 May 2005
13:47 GMT
Total Posts: 507
and fill out your profile with OS, Calc and accessories, etc... it helps us out alot...
Posted: 24 May 2005
11:53 GMT
Total Posts: 9
i have a 89t, im using the usb link cable, and the error message says

TIDeviceExplorer Application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
TI Freak
Posted: 24 May 2005
13:06 GMT
Total Posts:

That sounds like a Windows problem... You best email TI...
Posted: 24 May 2005
17:46 GMT
Total Posts: 24
I had emailed TI a couple months ago about a similar problem. After a month of giving TI all kinds of data and testing a silverlink cable with my Titanium (which works, you might want to get one), they said they know what the problem is and will try to do something about it (probably make a new version of TI Connect).
Posted: 24 May 2005
20:56 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Have you tried to transfer from calc to calc just to eliminate your hardware as the problem source? You should also make sure your TI Connect is up to date and so is your windows as I've seen problems coming from these. Also, give TiLP link software a shot, maybe it'll work for you. You can grab a copy from, just go there and run a search to find the file. Please post back with your progress or questions so that we all learn from that. Thanks.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Posted: 25 May 2005
05:54 GMT
Total Posts: 9
i dowloaded tilp but cant figure out how to use it.

it says i have to open it with something.

[Edited by jesusismyhomie on 25-May-05 16:59]
Posted: 25 May 2005
08:58 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
It's a pain to setup, make sure you look at its readme. You'd generally need to download GTK+ libs to run TiLP but look at the readme to see which version will run with your current TiLP release. There are many different releases of GTK+ for windows so it may be pretty hard to find a working combo but once you get it to work, TiLP is very good linker with tons of features.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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