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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Question thats probably stupid

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Posted: 16 Dec 2005
20:23 GMT
Total Posts: 2
Ok, this may sound dumb, but is there anyway you can spilt a you could make the appearance seem like it has more? Sry if this is totally bogous
TI Freak
Posted: 16 Dec 2005
20:30 GMT
Total Posts:

Nope, sadly, that is not physically possible, since the pixel is a hardware part of the screen...
Posted: 16 Dec 2005
20:54 GMT
Total Posts: 2
alright thanks anyway
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
03:32 GMT
Total Posts: 235
don't worry no question (unless it is CLEARLY ADDRESSED IN THE FAQ) is a bad question, I bugged my friends to death with questions about how to do this and that one my calc before i learned how to do stuff (write programs) on my own

Never gonna let you down...
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
11:47 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
You could make more pixels if you replaced the LCD screen with one lie the ti-89 has, or maybe one that the gba sp has, but that would mean you would have to rewrite probably a good 40% of the OS singlehandedly to accomodate the changes, so, in essence, no.
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
13:47 GMT
Total Posts: 33
That's be awesome. But wouldn't it really slow the calc down a whole ton? Even on an 89's 68k, I don't think it could handle speedy color graphics with a jacked GBA SP screen. Or am I wrong as to how color graphics are stored (on computers)?
Posted: 17 Dec 2005
18:37 GMT
Total Posts: 2007
It would, seeing as you'd have to map out at least 3 times as much data (TI-89 screen) every time you wanted to change the whole screen. But that's negligible if you're talking about using sprites of non-full screen size, which is most likely.
Posted: 18 Dec 2005
12:26 GMT
Total Posts: 33
I never really understood the idea of planes. Is it just some greyscale method where there's a little routine at the bottom of a loop or in an interrupt that changes which buffer/plane is being copied ot the LCD? And fliping between the two causes the greyscale effect?
Posted: 18 Dec 2005
13:09 GMT
Total Posts: 61
yeah, since the LCD is really just a visual manifestation of a specific block of memory, you just make another block the same size somewhere else and either copy it over or trick the LCD and tell it to look at the new block. Then just do that back and forth really quick to make the greys.

In theory with enough memory you could make as many planes as you want and create a very full pallette of greys. Most programs just have 4 (white, black, and light and dark), while some go up to 7, and there have been reports of people trying 16. Of course, at that point it no longer makes sense because the greys rely on really fast switching, and you can only actually flip so fast, so if you wanted to make more planes, it could start to take really long to cycle through one whole frame such that it would look horrible.
Posted: 18 Dec 2005
17:03 GMT
Total Posts: 33
So how would I do that in C (I have a Ti-89Titanium, HW3)? Even in ASM I'm not sure how you trick the LCD into accepting a different buffer (unless you changed IonPutSprite and IonFastCopy to copy from/put into different buffers)

Are there any good greyscale libraries that you guys would suggest? For 68k C and z80 ASM.
Posted: 19 Dec 2005
20:14 GMT
Total Posts: 61
You should go here and download extgraph, and then continue scrolling down to find the tutorials, you want the ones about grayscale.
Posted: 20 Dec 2005
13:31 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Well, there are some nice gray32 progs and pics for the 86, but pics take so much room even compressed (tho, you still need memory to uncrompress them anyway), that the whole thing is more of a fun toy rather than anything useful. As with replacing the 83 screen with that of 89, you'd also need to replace the controller. If the controller was programmable, then it might have been possible, but you'd still not have enough leads going to the lcd so basically its not something that can be done w/t any modifications. Though, it may be possible to have some kind of device to run off of the link port of the usb to gain a color screen support but this isn't so easy to do either. Would be a cool project for those that have good hardware/software technical knowledge.

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