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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ I swear, I am so totally calculator inept... help me?

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Posted: 2 Feb 2006
17:58 GMT
Total Posts: 1
Can someone translate these instructions for FFR 2?

1) Archive EVERYTHING!
2) send the program FFR2.8xp to your 83+, 83+SE, 84+ or 84+SE
3) Send the group FFR2SE.8xg to your 83+, 83+SE, 84+, or 84+SE
4) Press "2nd" then "+" then UP then "ENTER" then scroll down to "FFR2SE" and press "ENTER"
>If you encounter any errors with the pictures, it is HIGHLY recommended to ether
overwrite them or select quit, then open your pics and save them as something
other than Pic6 and Pic7
>DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT overwrite the program FFR2!!!!! the one in the group has
a bug in it :(

What does all that mean?
Posted: 2 Feb 2006
18:40 GMT
Total Posts: 2486
Beats me, I'd guess he warns in case some other Basic program uses the same pics (those seem to only be used by the game logos which aren't very important so if you already have these pics in use, don't overwrite). As with "don't overwrite FFR2" I'm unsure... Just load the group onto your calc and ungroup, I doubt it's worth giving so much attention to a readme file :).

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
TI Freak
Posted: 3 Feb 2006
05:10 GMT
Total Posts:

It means you have a group file that needs to be ungrouped, and to omit program FFR2. You must also make sure you have nothing stored in pics 6 and 7.

Basically, that is the instructions to load the game...

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