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Voyage 200 Assembly Sports Games
Assembly | BASIC | Flash

Download Ice Hockey 68k (270 kB)
  Rating: 7.6/10 (27 votes)
  Downloads: 8793
  Platform: 68k
  Language:  Assembly
  Type: Game
  Category: Sports
Ice Hockey 68k is an excellent One or Two Player 3v3 Hockey Game! Features include 31 Official NHL Teams, Strong AI, a Grayscale scrolling rink, Two-Player Linking Option, easily customizable, 4 Modes of Play, well structured C source code included, Runs Fast and Smooth on HW1 and HW2 68k Calcs, and the graphics are awesome. The game also has automatic calc detection, so the same executable will run on the TI-89/TI-92+/v200. The 4 Modes of play are Exhibition, Tournament, ShootOut, and Practice. Multiplayer is available in the Exhibition and ShootOut Modes.
Ice Hockey 68k is Recommended by!

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