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Download LDK for Lode Runner v2 (52 kB)
  Rating: 10/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 492
  Platform: dos
  Type: Program
  Category: Level Editor
Create your own levels for the Lode Runner 83+, Lode Runner for 83 already includes LDK. Read both readme files if you want to create comatible levels between the 83 and 83+ versions.
Although levels made by this LDK will compile with LDK that comes with Lode Runner v3 (83 only), levels made by LDK from version 3 may not compile under LDK for version 2. Submit your levels to and we'll add them to our site.

Download rom8x v0.1 (23 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 397
  Platform: dos
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This package will simplify the creation of a (read: bootable) ROM image of an 83+/84+/SE calculator for use with TilEm. You will then need to send an OS upgrade (.8xu file) to TilEm to finish the process. No extra linking software is required: if you can send and receive programs to and from the calculator, you are all set. Future versions may support more options and/or more emulators.

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