Name: | LDK for Lode Runner v2 |
File: | |
Filesize: | 52 kB |
Downloads: | 508 |
Date added: | Aug 12, 2002
Platform: | DOS |
Language: | Other |
File Type: | Program |
Category: | Level Editor |
Last modified: | Dec 8, 2002
DOS Programs
| Shell: | DOS |
Rating: | 10 (Best Download)/10 based on 2 votes. |
Rate this file: |
File Website: | There is no website dedicated to this title. |
Author(s): | Paul Robson, Konstantin Beliakov |
File Description: | Create your own levels for the Lode Runner 83+, Lode Runner for 83 already includes LDK. Read both readme files if you want to create comatible levels between the 83 and 83+ versions. Although levels made by this LDK will compile with LDK that comes with Lode Runner v3 (83 only), levels made by LDK from version 3 may not compile under LDK for version 2. Submit your levels to and we'll add them to our site. |