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TI-84+/SE Flash Programs
Assembly | BASIC | Flash

Download AnTIvirus (1 kB)
  Rating: 2.2/10 (7 votes)
  Downloads: 1092
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This program has the same use as VirusScan by Erwin Raj, but it has better graphics.

Download Days between Dates (BasicBuilder) (2 kB)
  Rating: 1/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 272
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Miscellaneous
dbd2() is a Days between Dates program that beats the calculator at its own game! Whereas the calculator can only find the number of days between dates ranging from 1950 to 2049, this program can find the number between ANY DATE (-inf to +inf). It still uses the Gregorian Calendar, and its still just as fast!

Download DragonIM 4.0 (26 kB)
  Rating: 5.6/10 (3 votes)
  Downloads: 321
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Communication
DragonIM is an instant messenger program that uses Omnicalc to send the text inputted to your friends calculator. Just setup your screenname, connect to a friend, sign on, and enjoy!

Download Ham Radio (65.9 kB)
  Rating: 5.8/10 (12 votes)
  Downloads: 1361
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Memory
The questions used on the Ham radio test that you have to pass in order to get your license. To be used with the TI Studycards app. Feedback welcome.

Download Real Sound v1.0 (52 kB)
  Rating: 7.6/10 (12 votes)
  Downloads: 1648
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Audio
Real Sound is a high quality sound player. It plays 8bit sound files at a sample rate as high as 32khz. The sound quality compared to previous wave players is incredibly high. You can see and hear it in action here:
Real Sound v1.0 is Recommended by!

Download ShortCut 0.7r2 (254 kB)
  Rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 436
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
ShortCut allows you to remap the keys on the calculator. What use does this have? If you have a TI Keyboard you've probably noticed that only a few diamond keys do anything. This App adds a LOT of shortcuts to diamond and square key combinations. The source is included, and the remap table is very easy to modify (as long as you can recompile the app; if not, see the Readme). It also will chain to any pre-existing keyhook if you desire.

Download Steinz Analog Clock 2 (7 kB)
  Rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes)
  Downloads: 394
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Time
Steinz Clock is an Analog-style clock that uses the calculator clock to display the real time. It includes an innovative "Around the Clock" blinking seconds display. This version is now in Application form!

Download Symbols v3.1 (14 kB)
  Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
  Downloads: 259
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Text
This program pack contains any symbol for the TI calc you could ask for! A comprehensive menu gives you quick and easy access to different categories of characters. And you can even scroll through the set of symbols in consecutive order of their byte value. Once you find the desired symbol from the menu or scroll-through, select it, and recall Ans or Str1.

Download TI-PhoneBook v3.0 (BasicBuilder) (13 kB)
  Rating: 1/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 199
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
This is one sweet phone book! You can add, delete, and even search through your contacts. Contacts may be stored as local or long distance (without the extra 1-).

Download TI-Schedule Beta 1.5 (5 kB)
  Rating: 1/10 (1 votes)
  Downloads: 256
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Time
This program is the first release of TI-Schedule, an extensive program for creating and applying user-defined time schedules for realtime use. In other words, it tells you how many minutes you have until the next bell/alarm goes off. It can be used for school, the work place, and even personalized schedules for daily activities like taking medication.

Download TI-ToolZ (12 kB)
  Rating: 1.8/10 (5 votes)
  Downloads: 824
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
Introducing: TI-ToolZ

every thing you need all in one app!

-make your own sprites for your basic

-fool you frends with fake WI-FI

-increse the speed of basic games by
deleting vars

-instant messinge

-lvl 2 fire wall

-play simon

-run your basic games

-assigment book

-on the calc help

and more!

Download windows xp zero FINAL (75 kB)
  Rating: 4/10 (6 votes)
  Downloads: 1791
  Platform: 83p
  Language:  Flash
  Type: Program
  Category: Utility
the COMPLETE version windows xp

new features NOt in beta

(erase+pen) in paint
microsoft word
84+ version
my documents folder
new loading screen..

--and all the old ones

-start menu
-run plasma(ion) games
-run basic games (via cmd)
-change password
-swich off/on custom destop pic
-name incription
-name saved in list insted of string
-instant messinging
-fire wall
-link test
->shut down
-shut down
-return to ti-os
-stand by
plus inclues the beta version, for thouse who liked it better.

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