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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Noob here also in need or dire help

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Posted: 15 Sep 2009
20:02 GMT
Total Posts: 2

I just got my Ti-83 but where are tutorials to figure it out. Like what is safe to delete and what is not to free up ram so we download programs and games.

I download the ion said it was installed done but nothing happened so I deleted it. lol I have no clue what I'm doing. And I tried to run psycho but my Ti-83 started to wig and scroll these crazy numbers like super fast.

Thanks for the help.
Posted: 15 Sep 2009
20:06 GMT
Total Posts: 2
I have TI-83 plus but now i'm thinking about an upgrade. lol
Posted: 16 Sep 2009
14:54 GMT
Total Posts: 210
1. Everything you can delete is safe to delete, but that doesn't mean you necessarily want to.

2. Ion is a shell, and really does nothing in and of itself; you use it to run programs.

3. Considering the name "Psycho," maybe that's what it's supposed to do?

4. Start by grabbing a shell (Ion, Mirage, or Doors) from the archives. After that, you just need to get games. It looks like you just want some recommendations, so go back to the archives and sort by rating (which are fairly useful at least in the 83+ ASM games section).

5. If using the calculator is a problem, I don't see how upgrading to something even more advanced could help...


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