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General Discussion Board \ Non-Calculator Related World \ Electronics Question Need Help Understanding.

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Posted: 31 May 2009
13:03 GMT
Total Posts: 35
Whats Are The Differences Between Ground And Negative?
Posted: 31 May 2009
23:05 GMT
Total Posts: 714
Depends if your talking AC or DC.

Typically with DC it is the same thing, but with AC there really is no negative. It is just a hot wire or not. When the term negative comes up it usually refers to the path the electrons take after it has gone threw a resistor. In a DC circuit tat path must go back to a battery of some sort, making a true ground impossible. With AC on the other hand, the current alternates and there for when a circuit is active there is not positive or negative. Both wires become hot and are just as deadly. That is why there is a ground with AC. In case of a short the electrons can be sent directly to the ground safely without killing you. Its the path of least resistance.

If some one can explain this better please do.

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