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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Getting HW3Patch to work *again* on my Titanium...?

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Posted: 26 Apr 2009
23:46 GMT
Total Posts: 1
I posted this question in a lot of other places on the net as well; sadly, I didn't seem to be getting any definitive answers. Lots of thanks in advance to everyone at CalcG for helping out!


HW3Patch doesn't seem to be working on my Titanium. It used to, but now I get error messages when I try to run it.

I want to use it to run long ASM programs, namely and currently, CalcRogue from

Some potential causes/symptoms:
1. I believe I ran one version that worked, and then ran a newer version without uninstalling the first one. Not very wise.

This newer version, If I recall correctly, was not on Kevin's site and was recommended by some other website. I don't remember exactly which version it was or whether this caused the problem or not, but I *do* remember that I received an error message reporting some failed operation when I tried to run this HW3patch version.

2. Now I can't run large ASM programs, and I believe version 1.03 (whichever is the newest one on Kevin Kofler's homepage) doesn't work on my calculator either.

Main Question: What are some solutions so I can get HW3patch to function right? Wanting to run CalcRogue...

Some details:

*Specifications for my Titanium:
OS Version 3.10, 07/18/2005
Hardware Version 4.00

*I remember that the readme file stated that getting rid of the HW3Patch involved overwriting my Titanium's AMS OS with a fresh one. Further questions regarding this option are:

(Subquestion 1)
A. What does "AMS" stand for? *Where* might I get an AMS OS?
B. If I get one, *how* can I overwrite my calculator with it? Texas Instruments' OS Restore only works on devices with no OS present, I believe. I've already backed up my calculator so doing this should be fine.

(Subquestion 2)
Are there any other ways I can get HW3Patch to work right again?

(Subquestion 3)
Are there any other alternatives I can use to run CalcRogue?
Posted: 27 Apr 2009
17:40 GMT
Total Posts: 210
AMS stands for Advanced Mathematics Software (as seen by pressing F1->About from the Apps Desktop), and you can download an update from TI's website (link below).

I think it would be easiest just to clear everything, as this is the method in the readme for uninstalling the HW3Patch.

First, you should download a copy of the 89 Titanium OS from the TI website:

Next, transfer. This erases everything on your calculator--Run a backup! Also put in a fresh set of batteries if you're unsure about the state of your current ones.
1. Open TI Connect
2. Select the TI Device Explorer
3. Select Tools->TI OS Downloader->Verify your settings->Find the file you downloaded->Start Download. I'm fairly sure this will work even if you have an OS on your calculator, though I haven't been transferring much since I switched to 64-bit >_>

In the future, I would just stick to the HW3Patch on Kevin's page. ;)

If you just want to play the game, you could use TiEmu to emulate any calculator in the 68K series on the computer, though obviously this ruins the portability of playing on the calculator.


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