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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ TI 89 Titanium filepath trouble

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Posted: 31 Jan 2008
14:03 GMT
Total Posts: 2
Ok, bizarre little problem I couldn't find an answer to anywhere so far. I have a number of assembly language games, all of them nostub. In order to run them, I can't just type in programname() , the TI is making me type in main\programname()

On top of that, when I try to start any game that comes in multiple files, I immediately get an error message saying that it can't find the relevant data file, even though I have all of them in my main folder. I don't know much about this file system but I thought the two problems might be connected. Do I need to somehow change directories so that the calculator will be looking for files in main like it's supposed to?

Anything you can tell me will be greatly appreciated.
Posted: 31 Jan 2008
16:23 GMT
Total Posts: 210
Can you run a normal program or function without typing in the "main" at the beginning? If not, then it's probably that you need to set your currect folder to the MAIN folder. (Type in setFold(main))

For the other problem, see if the files are in the directory shown in the readme.

Posted: 31 Jan 2008
18:01 GMT
Total Posts: 2
Yup, that fixed it. I figured it was set to the wrong folder, since the files it "couldn't find" were right where they were supposed to be. At any rate thanks for giving me the heads up on that command, that's all I needed ^_^

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