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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ Timing-sensitive routines and the -84 mode of the NSpire

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Posted: 10 Jan 2008
06:58 GMT
Total Posts: 1
How accurate is the Z80 emulation of the NSpire in it's 84 mode? I was wondering if it was good enough for various "tricks" like grayscale and serial port sound to work correctly or if timing issues/lack of cycle accuracy screw those up?
Posted: 10 Jan 2008
17:42 GMT
Total Posts: 100
That's an excellent question that I don't have the answer to. I can tell you that the LCD is terrible in both Nspire and 84+SE modes, and that LCD delays are unnecessary and have been removed in the OS (I don't want to imagine the blurriness with them). My uneducated guess would be that the link port is fine, and the blurry LCD makes grayscale or some new form of it practical.
Unfortunately, I just don't care enough to write the tests to find out all these things for sure.
If someone wants to send me benchmarking stuff to run so we can see the results, I will, because I have an Nspire.

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