Zilak (TI-86) Released, Other Games Updated | Jayhawk | Zilak, a game written entirely in TI-BASIC for the TI-86, was recently released by Anthony Loven. This RPG features good graphics for a TI-BASIC game, a rich plot, and is a complex and well-written game. If you're into RPGs, this one is certainly worth trying.
Bryan Thomas has released Contra 83, a TI-BASIC game for the TI-83 Plus which is a remake of the classic NES game by the same name. While a demo version of Contra has been previously in our archives, this is a full version of the game. Contra 83 is an arcade game with good graphics and that runs particularly fast for a game not written in assembly.
Also, Vincent Corfdir has released updated versions of his Aerial Assault and War-morpion games. While they are not in our archives, a TI-89 version of Aerial Assault along with TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200 versions of War-morpion are available from ticalc.org.
Ladies and gentleman, start your downloading...
| 15 Jan 2005, 15:04 GMT |
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| Re: Zilak (TI-86) Released, Other Games Updated | Coolv | I'm downloading Aerial Assault...
What is "War-morpion"? | | 15 Jan 2005, 18:48 GMT |
| Re: Zilak (TI-86) Released, Other Games Updated | allynfolksjr | Looks French to me. It seems like I played that, but I may have just downloaded it but never bothered sending it to my calculator. | | 15 Jan 2005, 19:06 GMT |
| Re: Zilak (TI-86) Released, Other Games Updated | Coolv | It appears to be a cheap Tic-Tac-Toe...
You can easily beat the computer, so this is a waste of memory. | | 15 Jan 2005, 19:29 GMT |
| Re: Zilak (TI-86) Released, Other Games Updated | Jayhawk | I didn't know for sure what it was, but I posted it because another of the author's programs was updated at the same time. It seemed like a good idea to feature both at once. *shrug* | | 15 Jan 2005, 22:21 GMT |
| Re: Zilak (TI-86) Released, Other Games Updated | greenorange | Hey, since I may continue to work on Zilak, if anyone has any ideas, feel free to tell me. Although, keep an eye out for an ASM game coming up, but Zilak may return (completed). I have about 150 map screens in this version. The new one should have close to 600. That's 12 overworld maps. It become quite bulky though, and I would need to make a TON of conversations, events and enemies. I know there are around 15 kinds of enemies in this one. I haven't worked on it for a long time. PLEASE, TRY IT AND TELL ME BUGS! I'm in the middle of midterms and have no time to play my game.
-- Anthony Loven | | 17 Jan 2005, 18:44 GMT |