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Posted: 16 Dec 2003
07:23 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
things NOT to do while watching LOTR

1. Stand up halfway through the movie and yell loudly, "Wait...where the hell is Harry Potter?"
2. Block the entrance to the theater while screaming, "YOU.....SHALL....NOT..... PASS!" - After the movie, say "Lucas could have done it better."
3. Play a drinking game where you have to take a sip every time someone says, "the Ring."
4. Point and laugh whenever someone dies.
5. Ask everyone around you if they think Gandalf went to Hogwarts.
6. Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mis..ter Ander-sonnn."
7. When Aragorn is crowned king, stand up and at the top of your lungs sing, "And I did it.... MY way...!"
8. Talk like Gollum all through the movie. At the end, bite off someone's finger and fall down the stairs.
9. Dress up as old ladies and reenact "The Battle of Helms Deep," Monty Python style.
10. When Denethor lights the fire, shout "Barbecue!"
11. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout, "RUN FOREST, RUN!"
12. Every time someone kills an Orc, yell: "That's what I'm Tolkien about!" See how long it takes before you get kicked out of the theatre.
13. During a wide shot of a battle, inquire, "Where's Waldo?"
14. Talk loudly about how you heard that there is a single frame of a nude Elf hidden somewhere in the movie.
15. Start an Orc sing-a-long.
16. Come to the premiere dressed as Frankenfurter and wander around looking terribly confused.
17 When they go in the paths of the dead, wait for a tense moment and shout, "I see dead people!"
18. Imitate what you think a conversation between Gollum, Dobby and Yoda would be like.
19. Release a jar of daddy-long-legs into the theater during the Shelob scene.
20. Wonder out loud if Aragorn is going to run for governor of California.
21. When Shelob comes on, exclaim, "Man!Charlotte's really let herself go!"

-Barrett A
Posted: 16 Dec 2003
08:36 GMT
Total Posts: 260

Nice find, B!
Posted: 16 Dec 2003
10:08 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
I can't stop laughing! That is sooooo great B!
Posted: 16 Dec 2003
16:15 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Posted: 16 Dec 2003
16:21 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
My favorites:

6. Finish off every one of Elrond's lines with "Mis..ter Ander-sonnn."
11. In TTT when the Ents decide to march to war, stand up and shout, "RUN FOREST, RUN!"
Posted: 16 Dec 2003
16:29 GMT
Total Posts: 260
Those were definitely my favorites too. I just see myself quietly saying one of those now! lol
Posted: 16 Dec 2003
16:30 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Wait . . where the heck is Harry Potter?

Thats the best!
Posted: 16 Dec 2003
16:42 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
Personally, HARRY POTTER SUCKS! I never liked it I never will. End rant
Posted: 16 Dec 2003
17:24 GMT
Total Posts: 958
I like 4,6, and hold nothing against Harry Potter. I do wonder why 10^6534 girls find Daniel Radcliffe hot though.
Posted: 17 Dec 2003
03:50 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
i just got back from the film... unfortunately i didn't manage to do any of those things.

all i can say is that it's the best thing i've ever seen in my entire life.

the only complaint i have is some physics problems.... rocks don't fall at the right speed and **someone** doesn't melt properly.

-Barrett A
Posted: 17 Dec 2003
08:56 GMT
Total Posts: 260
Now now no spoilers ;)

I have yet to see it, but I'm sure it will be great. Although I already know they don't include certain things from the book.. like the whole ending, because the director didn't like it. Although a pretty big part of the book to disclude, I don't mind all that much. However, there were other things I know they discluded which does irritate me slightly. Reguardless, I don't think it's significant enough to affect the story. And I can't wat to see it this weekend!
Posted: 17 Dec 2003
13:10 GMT
Total Posts: 170
I saw on the preview that when Aragorn says something like "there will be darkness this day" or something, the darkness doesn't come over the land!!! It's still sunny!!! Screwed up!! Ok, I'm done.

Hehe, reminds me of when my dad and I were watching X2 and when Magneto was holding up the ship ("when will they ever learn to fly?") my dad said, "Hey...what's Gandalf doing here?" After I was done laughing I said, "um, dad...right guy, wrong movie...and he doesn't have a beard." ..."Eh? Who is it?" ..."uh, Magneto?"..."Oh yeah!" Funniest thing...
Yeah when I saw FOTR I thought Elrond looked a little familiar...

When the Nazgul Lord dies/runs away/whatever (haven't watched the movie, but finished the book over the weekend), you say "hey, where's the cream filling?"
Posted: 17 Dec 2003
13:31 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
Darkness is also figurative for evil. Based on that, darkness came...

I hope to see the movie by the end of the week, maybe tomorrow morning when no one else is around.
Posted: 17 Dec 2003
16:09 GMT
Total Posts: 122
Miiiiiiiiissssssstttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr Aaaaaaaaannnnddddddddeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrssssoooonnnnnn!

Yes! Haha! I only realized Elrond and Smith were both Hugo Weaving at the end of Matrix Revolutions.
Posted: 17 Dec 2003
16:42 GMT
Total Posts: 739
I heard the film is around 4 hours! Man will my butt huuuuuuuuuuuurt! Oh well, probably worth it. I'm seeing it this Friday with my brother's stupid friends. I have to take those freaks in my car! Think of how'll they'll trash it! *Shouder*
Posted: 18 Dec 2003
12:57 GMT
Total Posts: 170
Yeah, 3 hours 30 minutes (to make up for the end of TTT). When I saw FOTR by about halfway through there was a constant stream of people going in and out of the unless you can hold it or luckily not have to go for that long no need to worry about a sore butt!
Those people who watched it at midnight on Tuesday saw all three at once (I'm sure there were intermissions...). I assume they slept for the rest of the day...
I'll probably see it either Monday or Tuesday.
Posted: 19 Dec 2003
07:15 GMT
Total Posts: 1676
Those people who watched it at midnight on Tuesday saw all three at once (I'm sure there were intermissions...). I assume they slept for the rest of the day...

no... only a small fraction of the people who saw it at midnight saw the other 2 before (in the theatre at least)... the people who saw all 3 were lucky enough to get tickets in early october for "Trilogy Tuesday"... there were plenty of theatres who were just showing ROTK at midnight.

and i wasn't able to sleep until 10 pm the next night. (and i didn't get to go to sleep between the movie and school)

-Barrett A
Posted: 19 Dec 2003
21:08 GMT
Total Posts: 1892
4. Point and laugh whenever someone dies.

This is the best...I do that sometimes... (ha ha)
Posted: 19 Dec 2003
23:30 GMT
Total Posts: 260
I went to see it tonight. Good movie.
I did some of those during the movie; got my GF to crack up. B-)
Posted: 21 Dec 2003
00:49 GMT
Total Posts: 958
I went and saw it. Forgot what all of them were except for the mister anderson one.
Posted: 21 Dec 2003
13:21 GMT
Total Posts: 170
As for the Trilogy Tuesday thing, I never said anything about whether or not they saw the other two already, I just said that the ones who made it saw all three (just the Trilogy Tuesday thing, not the other..."less important" theatres).
I'm (finally) seeing it tomorrow, most likely with someone. As long as the weather stays nice we're good to go.
Posted: 22 Dec 2003
19:52 GMT
Total Posts: 1051
Saw it Saturday. Favorite scene: When Legolas single-handly takes out an Elaphant (proper name?).
Posted: 22 Dec 2003
20:29 GMT
Total Posts: 958
I thought it was cooler when Eowyn's brother took out two with one spear, Legolas was still pretty cool.
Posted: 22 Dec 2003
20:46 GMT
Total Posts: 260
Wasn't it Oliphant in the book?
Posted: 23 Dec 2003
19:02 GMT
Total Posts: 739
Yeah! I loved that scence with Legolas killing the Elephant-and then when Gilmy said "you know, that only counts as one!"
Posted: 24 Dec 2003
06:05 GMT
Total Posts: 170
Saw it last night. Got home at midnight. Woke up at 7:40 because I couldn't fall back asleep and I wasn't all that tired.
The funny thing was, we actually did #6. Well, me and a friend behind me both said, "Missster Annderson..." and laughed. When the undead army came flying out of the ship over the water I said, "I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!!", so there's a variation of #17. Here's a few funny quotes:
-When they showed the top of Gondor with the White Tree, both I and my friend said, "Putting green!"
-When Gandalf shoots the shaft of light at the Nazgul, he said, "Yeah, flashlights work" then I said "the power of Christ compels you!! The power of Christ compels you!!"
-When Frodo wakes up near the end he said "hey guys, we found the midget!"
-When Legolas killed the oliphant he said "down, Dumbo."
-Sam: Hey, it's the A.K.A Biiig Search Light
It was cool when Gandalf was dual-wielding his staff and sword. Batem with the staff, slice and dice with Glamdring.

Since I've read the book again, I have a big list of criticisms. Of course, if all the major scenes were put in the movie would be at least a half hour longer. Here's my long list of crap (in no particular order):

-The possession of the palantir screwed up. Gandalf was supposed to break Saruman's staff, then Wormtongue throws the palantir at Gandalf, but Pippin catches it.
-Speaking of Saruman, he didn't die in the encounter in Bree I think it was. Of course, if they included the one above, they'd have to inlcude this.
-They completely skipped the retaking of the Shire
-Denethor didn't die like in the book. He was supposed to try to burn Faramir (who's probably on a different pyre or something), Gandalf rushes to his rescue (not Pippin), and Denethor was to light his pyre and lie down to his death.
-Gondor was supposed to practically burn down, or at least the tombs. They also didn't replant the White Tree.
-When Sam finds Frodo in the tower, he was supposed to cut off the orc's *whip* hand and have him fall down the trap door to his death.
-Gollum was supposed to fall in the chasm, not pushed. Then Frodo gives Sam his bloody hand...nice one.
-The last line was the only part that was exact about the ending, but hey, I was quite satisfied with the ending.
-The order is screwed up!! Frodo and Sam were to encounter Shelob before Gandalf and Pippin even get to Minas Tirith! Of course, since they didn't end the second movie like the book, I suppose it's better to switch around instead of focusing on Frodo the whole time.
-Just as a side note, Frodo didn't encounter Bilbo again for Bilbo to give him his notes and ask to finish the book. I also think the title was completely changed, as in scratched out a few times with a final title at the bottom.
-When Eowyn killed the Nazgul Lord, her arm went numb, but a couple seconds later she was leaning on it! She was probably supposed to get up and walk to Theoden to prevent this. Also as a side note, I was kind of wondering why Eowyn's arm wasn't completely shattered by the flail head that was bigger than her head.
-A troll didn't almost kill Pippin by falling on top of him.
-They didn't show Faramir, Eowyn, and Merry being healed in the House of Healing.
-The Darkness was screwed up. It was always sunny! When Aragorn does his spiel right near the end about the Darkness falling and whatnot, it was supposed to get dark.
-Hirgon didn't bring the Red Arrow to Theoden.
-Pippin was supposed to do the whole giving-service-to-Denethor thing all at once, not say "I'll serve you," run away, then come back to do the oath.
-The Paths of the Dead was a little screwy. It didn't give much info about how the dead were restless and all that, other than that Aragorn was the future king and could control them. No Stone of Erech, either.

For some reason (it's probably just me) I didn't think the "return of the king" aspect was as prominent as it was supposed to be. Not more important than the main plot, of course, but again it's probably just me, and it was probably meant to be like that.
I also can't help noticing that the Ents are too small. They're only twice as tall as a man on horseback, which is, what, 20 feet? That's tiny compared to a normal tree.
When we were heading home my friend was like "Ok, at the end Frodo must've been like (to Gollum) 'Hey man, I've already been stabbed by a Nazgul, stung by a bigass spider, and been pretty damn tired of this metal ornament around my neck, now you bite my finger off? That's the last straw, now you're going DOWN!!'"

Orcs and Oliphants and LOTS AND LOTS OF DEAD GUYS, OH MY!
Posted: 24 Dec 2003
08:28 GMT
Total Posts: 260
Well, they actually did film the death of Saruman, but they left it out. With the way they did the movie, they felt it best to leave it out after all.
And the whole retaking of the shire, and death of Saruman was discounted simply because the Director didn't like it. Besides, the movie would bee too long with it added in. Besides, if you didn't read the book, people would bitch and complain it was unnecessary and just stretching out a movie.

Another part they left out was the whole healing house part of the book. That disappointed me; it established Aragorn better, showed the true danger and background of the Paths of the Dead, and tied together the reason why attacking the Lord of the Nazgul burned them. Yet still it was left out. Though since it included him mentioning that he used the stone, I guess they left it out.

I was also interested that they completely left out Beregond, and his son (who's name begins with a B also.. memory fails me right now) in the silence before the war, and his importance in having the king and Faramir not burned.

There were a lot of other nitpicking things, but those aren't very important. And I didn't want to repeat you
Posted: 24 Dec 2003
12:25 GMT
Total Posts: 170
Yeah, I mentioned the House of Healing. I liked that.
Oh yeah, when Merry's walking around town and meets Beregond's son Brogir or something (after Beregond says that he should probably meet him anyway for a tour of the town and such). Too much serenity for the movie, I suppose...although I was looking for Beregond guarding the doors to the tombs with a bloody sword in hand and a couple dead guys nearby.
Well, let's see what the Extended Edition has for us.
Posted: 24 Dec 2003
17:41 GMT
Total Posts: 260
We shall see; :-D
I hope the extra filmed content is good!
Posted: 8 Jan 2004
12:17 GMT
Total Posts: 15
lmao im going to do some of those sunday when i go see rotk.

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