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General Discussion Board \ Calculator Discussion \ ARC'S?

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Posted: 6 Feb 2004
20:26 GMT
Total Posts: 4
hey could someone please explain to me what arc is and what its for and how come i am losing it. help! what do i do when it all runs out? :img21:
Posted: 6 Feb 2004
21:00 GMT
Total Posts: 623
That's probably your archive. This is basically where the calculator stores all of the programs and/or apps that you keep on it. (If it's not in RAM.) You're running out of arc because you have too much in it. Press [2nd] + [+] and go to Memory Management. Then delete some stuff you don't want. That's basically the whole thing in a nutshell.

Post again if you're still confused.

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
Posted: 7 Feb 2004
17:56 GMT
Total Posts: 958
When you add programs and put them in the Archive, you availible archive memory goes down, because you're using it to store files. When it runs out, you might nto be able to garbage collect (so no writing to archive), and you can't fit anything in side the archive.
Posted: 8 Feb 2004
18:29 GMT
Total Posts: 739
All of the above is definently true, but just a side note: the more memory you use the slower your calculator is. And also, archiving programs saves memory-try that when you're running low.

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